--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mario wrote:
and b) No American in their right mind would 
pretend to be a CITIZEN of the PRC.

Mervyn clarifies: 
> I hope you will be able to see the difference this
> time :-(

Mario corrects:
and b) No American in their right mind would ever
pretend to be a RESIDENT of the PRC.

Mervyn writes:
> This sort of statement is usually made by people who
have just sampled some of the drugs grown in
Vancouver, B.C.

Mario replies:
Soon the whole country will become like the drug and
homeless infested nirvana of Vancouver.
Mervyn writes:
> Mario,
> If you see a police car in Toronto with its sirens
going, smile. The Police car will have NYPD on it.
It's Hollywood filming a movie! If you see what
appears to be homeless people on the streets of
Toronto, once again, smile. Those people are
American actors.
Mario replies:
Hollywood films movies in lots of second and third
world countries, including Canada.  Anyone who has
been to Toronto and Vancouver has learned to step over
the homeless in this socialist paradise.

Mervyn writes:
> On a serious note, it's pathetic when your
> Vice-President complains of pains and has to go for
> a heart check-up every time he is in Canada. We are
> still trying to convince ourselves that this is a
> mere coincidence and not, as The Globe and Mail 
> reports, because the emergency wards in Washington, 
> D.C. are packed.

Mario replies:
Another classic story made up out of whole cloth by
the Saddam-lovers at the Toronto Globe & Mail, which
tries to hide the pathetic condition of Canada with
attacks on the US.  Anyone who knows anything about
medicine would laugh at the notion that our VP, who
has a serious heart condition, would go to Canada for
a heart check-up.  If you need any serious surgery in
Canada, you go on a waiting list folks.  Those who can
afford it come south for treatment so they can live.

Mervyn writes:
> Lastly, GM reported last week that every car it
produces, now has $1,575 in medical costs. This
amount of $1,575 is more than the cost of all the
steel in the car. Last I heard, GM is closing its
plants in the US and moving them to Canada and Mexico.
I guess the US GM employee's are going to be
re-trained for new jobs. I am told the re-training
consists of saying, "Would you like fries with that?"

Mario replies:
Being a socialist, you obviosly do not understand
free-market economics.  Our companies produce where
ever it makes sense to them, and import and export
without any interference from the government.  This is
how we assist the economies of second and third world
neighbors like Canada and Mexico, and try to keep
their hordes from migrating to this country.  If
Canada was as wonderful a country as the
hallucinations of the Toronto Globe & Mail and Mervyn
make it out to be, all those million plus immigrants a
year would be rushing to go there, not to the US.

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