sunil/avertano wrote...

Message: 19
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 21:51:17 -0400
From: avertano teles <>
Subject: [Goanet]CATHOLIC ???

I have been reading a lot about the POPE, GAY PRIESTS, CAFETARIA CATHOLICS, WOMEN AS PRIESTS, RECENTLY ABOUT THE SIGN OF PEACE IN THE CHURCH. and we should expect more of such stuff on net. Why should catholic related issues only be discussed ? Is our mentality confined only in questioning catholic religion and its principles? Can someone enlighten us whether communities from other religion discuss such issues the way we discuss pertaining to religion ? Let's go in for a change of topic pleaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeee.



Come on Sunil or Avertano or whoever you really are! Be proactive and write about something else. Start another thread, and go on from there. But please do not tell people not to write on a particular subject/topic. If someone has something to say, this is their forum to do so. Have you given a thought that there may be many who actually want to read on subjects pertaining to religion?



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