This message is on behalf of Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas who is presently
collecting information of historical importance on the twin cities of Vasco
da Gama and Mormugao.
If any of the old timers and historians happen to hold and cherish some old
memories, such as photographs or documents, Fr. Nascimento would love to
have them and enrich our history for the benefit of future generations in
his forthcoming book. Apparently, there are no records of interest in the
various government offices in these cities and is very much frustrated by
the ignorance and lack of interest in preserving old records. Any help you
can give will be greatly appreciated by him.  You may contact him directly
by e-mail at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . Tel. 011-91-832-2512391 or at St.
Andrew's Church, Vasco da Gama, Goa.
He specifically requests:

".... documentation and especially old photos of Vasco and Mormugao ...
wards. Kindly name [and date] the photograph from which area it is. I know
there was power house in Baina, but no-body seems to know when it was
founded during the portuguese regime. It is now in ruins and no sign  of its
foundation anywhere; as well as the railway bridge built by  Britishers, now
in Desterro parish near oil companies. When some years back the authorities
wanted to demolish it  to make  way for its extension they used gelatins to
destroy it and even then they did not succeed. But in the end it was rased
to the ground and the present one built. It dos not bring the date of
re-building also..This date is also not there.
The old little cottages in the Municipality property in
Vasco with beautiful gardens in front  are gone an big buildings have come.
Now they look ugly and the city too planned by Luis A. Maravilhas an
engineer of repute who worked here in Mormugao in 1916, had planned a
beautiful city circa 1922 and some things executed that too have
What remains now are buildings in ruins. The city of Mormugao was planned
three times earlier than Maravilhas' plan, but not executed well and
yet it is Goa's industrial and commercial city .... May be also other
Goans who may have not have resided in Mormugao-Vasco also have some
documentation, photographs etc...."

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