On 13/05/05, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario replies:
> Gabe, it would help the civilized discourse that we
> are supposed to have on Goanet if you knew what you
> were talking about.  I have repeatedly made the case
> that the WMDs are still hidden somewhere, whereas you
> and the other anti-Americans keep repeating the fact
> that they were not found in Iraq, without explaining
> what happened to the ones Saddam had and used.  

RESPONSE: How could Saddam show WMD's that are not there?
Even a primary school kid could be foxed by such a preposterous
question that you put to us.The WMD's were decommissioned and in
reality were not of such a magnitude as made out by the USA.
That he used it against the Kurds did not mean he had tons of it.

> Secondly, if you had looked up the war resolution
> authorizing the liberation of Iraq you would know that
> there were several reasons for the action other than
> WMDs, including the need to depose Saddam and impose
> freedom and democracy.  So, the notion that it was an
> afterthought is just flat out false, and reflects the
> biased propaganda being spread by the newspapers you
> and some of our Canadian friends seem to read.

RESPONSE: poppycock, you will follow Bush blindly; what you do not
answer on this Goanet is whether you would urge your progeny to do
battle. You are full of praise for combating US troops - you should
urge your kids to go there and do their bit.
> What you are truly sad about it seems to me is that a
> brutal dictator who was governing by terrorizing the
> majority of Iraqis, killing his own people and looting
> his own treasury, has been deposed.

RESPONSE: Again you are bringing us down to your level - primary
school stuff - there is not one of us on this goanet site that loves
Saddam; I would state though that there are not many of us that would
follow George Bush or your view either!

> Gabe writes:
> > Everyday we hear of dozens of people being killed in
> Iraq and we are told to be patient as this same sort
> of thing took place after WW II in the reconstruction
> of Japan and Germany. I was not born then, perhaps he
> knows better - that there were mass atrocities being
> committed in those countries after they were conquered
> and it took awhile to calm down the situation.
> >
> Mario replies:
> Gabe, we really don't care whether you are patient or
> not.  

RESPONSE: Yes I know you don't care, nor does your President. What I
am stating is that you are the one who plainly stated that peace would
not come to Iraq in a short while and it would take time. You seem to
have a lapse of memory perhaps when it suits or perhaps when you have
no other avenue to turn to, like a cornered dog staving off the
inevitable - being torn to pieces by the opposition.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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