Cecil Pinto wrote: The term 'audience' in fact is curious. One is a 'participant' in an
e-group. An audience on the other hand is expected to be kept entertained
in the manner of their taste. If more devout GoaNetters participate, and
stop considering themselves an audience that can quit, then perhaps things
will improve.

Pat's response: When one considers the percentage of those "dishing it out" in contrast to the total number subscribed or on the receiving end, the latter would IMHO fall in the "audience" category.

And, make no mistake there is plenty of 'tamasha' for entertaining or turning off the audience!

A couple of detractors, iidentifiable by their dos-a-dos (or covering up each other's back) postings, hold sway!

There are e-groups with only one way transmission of messages. Things will and can improve with a change from selfish to selfless attitudes, paving the way for true Goanet interaction or participation.

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