On 13/05/05, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The objection by the Democrats to Bolton is that he
> may actually call a spade a spade and induce the
> feckless UN to change its corrupt ways.
> People like you are afraid of him because he will
> shake up the currently useless and corrupt UN, and
> force them to perform the conflict resolution that is
> their primary job, which they are an abject failure
> at.

RESPONSE: Mario have you been slumbering? It is your 
Republicans who cannot endorse Bolton; read some more:-


Republican blow to Bush UN nominee
By Chris Johnston, Times Online

President Bush was dealt a blow by senators from his own party last
night when they asked for a delay to the ratification vote on John
Bolton, the Republican nominee for UN ambassador, because of new abuse

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which has a Republican
majority, had been expected to approve Mr Bolton's nomination.

But it decided to delay the vote until next month after Senator George
Voinovich of Ohio stunned fellow Republicans on the committee. "I've
heard enough today that I don't feel comfortable about voting for Mr
Bolton today," he told them................

........................Some accusers have approached the committee
independently. Melody Townsel, a Dallas businesswoman, claimed that an
angry Mr Bolton chased her through a Russian hotel and threw objects
at her during a conference a decade ago.

In a letter, she said he was "genuinely behaving like a madman. I
eventually retreated to my hotel room and stayed there. Mr Bolton then
routinely visited me to pound on the door and shout threats."

After the meeting, Senator Voinovich said he had changed his mind
after an impassioned critique from Senator Christopher Dodd, a
Connecticut Democrat.

"The passion on the other side on this, I don't think, is political,"
he said. "I think they raised some legitimate issues. I think we ought
to find out what they are, I think we ought to get the information,
get a chance to have (the allegations) rebutted," he said.

Two other Republicans also opposed voting yesterday: Senator Lincoln
Chafee of Rhode Island, who had previously expressed doubts and Chuck
Hagel of Nebraska, who gave warning that he may not support Mr
Bolton's nomination if it did move to the full Senate.

"The dynamic has changed. A lot of reservations surfaced today. It's a
new day," Senator Chafee said.................

Comment; Mario you should take a bow and gracefully exit from posting
propaganda on this forum. No doubt, you will now  inform us that the
Times is a rubbish Newspaper! All we need is a mad man at the helm and
another clout in the U.N., as well as a lackey on Goanet!

I would have let this matter go 'where ignorance is bliss tis folly to
be wise' but I feel it is my duty and obligation to wisen you up, as
well as any reader who might believe your propaganda; you are not yet
beyond redemption!

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

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