Delivery less Prime Minister--- The Pioneer, May 16

UPA leaders are getting ready for a party on May 22. The occasion is the Government's completion of a year in office. Meanwhile, the PMO is planning to mark the occasion by preparing annual report cards of ministers. But what about Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's own performance?
Manmohan Singh cannot be compared with his predecessors like Indira Gandhi, V P Singh, P V Narasimha Rao, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, H D Deve Gowda or I K Gujral. In the past year, he didn't take one decision that touched the man on the street. Neither has he shown the spark of an inspiring leader, nor has he displayed any capability to deliver on his promises. He has even failed to take forward the economic reforms process. The Government's one year in office has shown that governance is an extremely difficult proposition without a politically tempered leader.
Committee Raj
Manmohan Singh's Government is of babus, by babus and for babus. I was expecting him to reform bureaucracy and make Government servants accountable. However, just the opposite has happened.
Singh is entirely dependant on bureaucrats. He is comfortable with Montek Singh Ahluwalia and T K A Nair and party. He avoids his ministers and political leaders. In fact, he is running the Government through committees. He has created a record by setting up more than 52 committees in a year. Whenever he faces a problem, he appoints a committee.

Hindu card in Goa

At last, the Congress has appointed a Hindu as president of its Goa unit. Interestingly, party general secretary in charge Margaret Alva, a Christian, had to force Sonia to have Ravi Naik in the seat. Sources say Alva had threatened to resign if Naik was not appointed to the post. She told Sonia that Goa had only 30 per cent Christians, yet the Governor, the two MPs and she were Christians. She told Sonia the issue could be exploited by the BJP during the by-elections for five Assembly seats.
Convinced, Sonia finalised the name of Ravi Naik. But before his name could be announced by the AICC, Oscar Fernandes got the process stalled. He convinced Sonia to anoint a Christian as Goa Congress president. Sonia agreed with Fernandes and changed her decision. When Alva threatened to resign and told her to forget about winning any of the seats, Sonia again handed the throne back to Ravi Naik.
Jai Hind!

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