--- "Fernandes, Sidney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Netters ,
> For what its worth, I would just like to add my words of support to what
> Dr Helekar has posted. Never in all my years (its been a while) on the
> goanet have  I ever seen any post by him that would suggest that he has
> a special dislike for one particular religion.

I have met Santosh twice.  He is a gentleman without an ill-bone in his body. I 
respect his
intellect and his sincerity in addressing issues.  May his tribe increase. 

> Calling him 'anti-Catholic' is flat wrong and disingenuous at the very least. 

It is worse than disingenuous.  As I pointed out in a post earlier today, the 
real anti-Catholics
are those within the Church who are silent on issues of equality & justice, who 
weaken the Church
by burying their heads in the sand & don't speak out, and then try and silence 
reformers and
progressives.  In addition to being anti-Catholic, it seems they are 
un-Catholic in their
name-calling, personal attacks, insinuations, innuendo, and bigotry.  


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