Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Carlos' post did strike me as somewhat tongue-in-cheek. But behind the
humour, he did have a serious point to make.
When I was reporting on the Baina issue, one of the young men I met
was a Kannadiga who spoke Konkani fluently in the >Catholic Sashti dialect -- he worked on a trawler and lived in Baina.


Thanks. It has been couple of years since we last met at Aires place in Ribandar.
The point I was trying to make in the subject title is INCLUSIVENESS
I thought twice before I decided to include Dhillon as a Goan. Few hours later, I noticed Navhind Times also referred him as a Goan.
We need to know that to survive, we cannot isolate ourselves as a group. Isolation only benefits the weak politicians who are using us, not individuals. Weak and corrupt politicians use religion to get the votes. We need to understand that.
I was elected a student secretary in an Engineering College in Southern India during the Emergency, even lathi charged because I opposed Emergency rule. I was an outsider, the only Goan Christian in the College and still got elected by landlside without spending a pie as compared to my opponents. How did I get elected? We have to assimilate ourselves into the mainstream.
Regarding Konkani, if we want Konkani to survive, more and more people need to speak Konkani, including neo Goans.


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