Will the bye-elections scheduled on 2nd of next month turn out to be bi elections for many of the contestants? It looks so. Party affiliations of many of the contestants especially those who are re-seeking their seats will be just like masks but their individual charisma, money and muscle powers will be their forte and on the basis of these attributes they will get elected. Once they get elected, whom they will support in the Legislative Assembly? When MGP came into being its main aim was to cut the power base and influence of Christians and for this reason MGP first tried to introduce Marathi into Goa as an official language thereby deny the Christians of all the jobs in the Government sector. In order to cut Christians of their economic source MGP even preferred Maharastrians but by all means demolish Christians from Goa was their motto. The hero of this scheme was none other than the late Dayananda Bandodkar who destroyed not only the interest of Christians but he destroyed in the bargain the interest of Goa. Good that he died early otherwise his power and influence in Goa would do immeasurable damage to Goa & Goans in general and to Christians in particular. All those who show their affiliations to non Goans are not genuine Goans, their roots are somewhere beyond the borders of Goa. Incidentally most of the hard-core MGP stalwarts are expired or gone into oblivion, this is something good for the Goa lover Goans. But men like Prataphsingh Raoji Rane who is a hard core MGP and whose ancestry rooted beyond the boundaries of Goa is still going strong. During his tenure as Chief Minister, in an organized and systematic manner the interest of Goa and genuine Goans scientifically with mathemematical calculation hampered. His non-Goan wife played strong role in influencing him to deGoanise Goa. Thru back door Rane inducted many of the anti-Goan and anti-Konkani elements in Goa. These elements put a heavy brake on the development of genuine Goans. Rane’s style of functioning was like a dictator which habit he acquired from later stage Bandodcar. Bandodkar during the early stages was like a rat but later on became a real Lion thru which he started acting like a Salazar. Many concluded that in his blood lot of traces of Zalarism found. During the language agitation the Policemen who used to lathi charge us the Konknni activists were the products of Rane’s employment policy of giving more opportunities in Police force to non-Goans who had hatred for Goans and Konkani and for this reason they used to brutally lathi charge the Konknai activists and Konkani agitationists. Even otherwise Rane is a pure communal though to remain in power externally he showed that he is a secular. One thing one must bear in mind that no MGP sympathizer or supporter or a member can be a true secular. MGP and secularism will never go together.

Manhohar Parrikar the former BJP Chief Minister had deep roots in communalism and to prove this he as reported recently in the media went to Ayodya to be a part of the communal gang that demolished the Babri Masjid. Worst part of it was that he took pride and pleasure in this dirty mission. During his tenure he safronised Goa Police force and many other Government sectors. While he was doing this he received total support and blessings from all his Cristao colleagues in the Legislative Asembly who like slaves bended their knees and heads in front of Parrikar. Babush Monsurate, Isidore, Mickey Pacheco and Mathany Saldanha are the worst criminals who committed worst crimes by aligning with communal Parrikar. Recently somebody said that “if I had Papal power, I would excommunicate all of them for helping BJP in damaging Christianity and Christian interest in Goa”. In the coming bye elections the chances of all the Cristao contestants are not gloomy. But the voters in their respective constituencies must bring a heavy pressure on these Aya Rams and Gaya Rams not to affiliate them with Parrikar once they are elected. The Church must play a very important role in this direction in educating the voters and moralizing their contestants. Church is duty bound to take corrective steps against those who are disgracing morality in political life in Goa. Moral degradation is galloping in Goan politics and because of this total morality in Goa is getting damaged. The defectors are polluting the moral fabric of Goan life. When this type of immorality is going on in Goa, Goan Church which is a very mighty organization cannot remain a silent spectator. Unfortunately, in the past thru the silent nod of the Church, some of the Church members supported BJP candidates and for this reason Goa had to suffer. If Aldona Church had to take the correct stand, we would not have a sex maniac in Goan politics who seduce innocent girls especially Cristao girls. This sex maniac I understand is having a Diary with all the bodily details including body marks of the females whom he seduced by providing them with favours from the base of his political power. When such type of immorality was gaining momentum in Philippines during the regime of Ferdinand Marcus, Cardinal Sin stepped in and used the might of the Church power to demolish Ferdinand Marcus and finally Church power succeeded. Our Church in Goa too can do similarly and if Church acts in silencing the voice of immoral politicians, everything can change in Goa. The father of Miramar Sex scandal against innocent girls can be made to rub his nose in the forthcoming election if Church and social conscience leaders and people will come forward. This is not the time just to seat in Goan Balcao and just to curse the politicians. This is not the time to say “Maka Kiteak Poddlam?”. If “Makaim Poddonk Na ani Tuakaim Poddonkna, zalear Konnank Poddlam tor?”. This is the time that we should be conscious of our obligations otherwise Goa will go and later on we will cry saying “Goem gelem, Goem Kobar zalem, Goem Chorancheam Hathin Poddlem”. All those chamchas who are rallying behind Christao contenders must gather courage and command the contenders that in no way they should support BJP once they are elected. Otherwise all the supporters will prove that they are nothing but purchasable commodities purchased by Babush, Isidore, Mickey and others. In this case this will be a big shame on Goan voting politics where voters can be purchased by doling 3 W's that is Wine - Women - Wealth(Money).

The main thing for the people in the constituencies where bye elections are going to take place is to get firm assurance from their contestants that they will stick up to their parties once they are elected, that they will not defect and will never support BJP because BJP means communalism and anti-Cristao. The equivalent of BJP is nothing but anti minority and in Goa it means anti-Cristao. In view of this the voters in Poinginnim, Taleigao, Benaulim and elsewhere must exert heavy pressure on their contestants now only to prevent them from joining with BJP. If BJP is given one more chance to rule Goa again, Parrikar will come out with fury against minorities. He should be finished from ruling Goa. He at this moment is like a wounded Lion and if he gets a chance again he will finish everyone. The issue in the coming election is not only preventing Parrikar and BJP from coming back to power but also preventing Rane from climbing the ladder of Chief Ministership. He is silently observing now everything to create a nice opportunity for him to be the next Chief Minister of Goa. People in Goa should instruct their contestants to deny Rane of the chances of becoming next Chief Minister. Rane is also anti-Goan and anti-Christao and anti-Muslim. The voters in Goa must be made aware of this. The voters in the forthcoming bye-elections must use their voting power either to correct their contestants or make them say bi to elections.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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