--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
First off I don't buy Mario's assertion
that he refers to Canada as Canuckistan affectionately
because he has not had a single good thing to say 
about Canada.

Mario replies:
Oooh!  Touched a raw nerve, have we?  By the way, I
have many good things to say about your beautiful
country, but you are not going to hear them when I'm
responding to vicious, truth-twisting attacks on
everything American, that have no context or

Bosco, you should know better than anyone else that
all this started with the vicious, sadistic, bogus and
completely delusional attacks on everything US by your
fellow countryman in Toronto, Mervyn.  His post on
this very subject, complete with references to his
in-laws (how did THEY get into this?) will show once
again what I mean, and is beneath contempt.  Anyone
listening to him would think that Canada is an
important world power rather than a left leaning
country struggling to establish an identity under the
shadow of a benign neighboring superpower, which they
do not understand how it got there, and so are reduced
to attempted ridicule, which makes them look just
plain silly.

Bosco writes:
> Secondly as far as addressing a Canadian as a
Canuck.......Mario probably is referring to Johnny
Canuck the Canadian alter-ego of the US Uncle Sam. 
> Yes there is a Vancouver Canucks NHL hockey
team.....and there are the Washington Redskins and the
Cleveland Indians and the Atlanta Braves....and 
they all carry 'baggage' of racial overtones.

Mario replies:
This assertion turns logic on it's head. No sports
team in their right mind would pick a mascot or team
name that has "baggage" and "racial overtones".  That
is the left-wing spin, where false indignation is used
as a political weapon.  Teams choose names that create
esprit de corps, team spirit and inspire their players
and their fans, not ones that make them look silly or
foolish.  The native-Americans references are used to
emulate the mythical toughness, strength and noble
qualities of native-Americans, not to ridicule them.
That notion defies logic and common sense. 

Bosco writes: 

> ‘Canuck’ seems to be a sticky term. Used by
Canadians, the word is acceptable in virtually all
applications. Used by an outsider, however, it has the

potential to take on an offensive or derogatory

Mario replies:
How did the College of New Jersey, which I never heard
of until this post, become the authority on what is
appropriate?  There are also some American college
professors who believe the use of native-American team
names is offensive, which is patently absurd.  Even
then, the good professor says, "Used by Canadians, the
word is acceptable in virtually all applications."

So what's with all the angst, if it is acceptable when
used by Canadians?  What kind of logic makes a term
"acceptable" or "unacceptable" based on who is using
it?  This is simply a left-wing political tactic.

Grow up guys.

Bosco writes: 
> So Mario, while I can't speak for everybody.....you
can continue to call me a Canuck especially if it
makes you feel good.....I am after all a GOAN
Mario replies:
Thanks for the permission, Bosco.  So, according to
you and your professor at the College of New Jersey, I
guess it is then perfectly acceptable for me or
another Canadian to call you a Goan Canuck?

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