Cecil Pinto wrote to Santosh Helekar:
Please note that GoaNet is not a democratic institution that is run by popular
vote. As Fred has clearly stated it is run as a 'benevolent dictatorship'
towards a 'vision'. Of course who is the dictator and what is the vision has
never been clarified.


Bosco responds as GoaNet Admin Team Member
1) Goanet is a mailing list, an on-line forum with a website. It may grow but
at this point in time I too don't see it as an institution.
2) What Fred has clearly stated is being miscontrued above. Please refer to
Fred's own message:
Fred has not characterized Goanet as above. As far as 'vision' is concerned,
he has clearly referred to Cybermatrimonials - Fred's own initiative to unite
Goans from the last century.

I have read and re-read Fred's original statement. I still believe he is referring to GoaNet being run as a 'benevolent dicatorship' and not just Cyber Matrimonials. But Bosco how come you have decided that Fred's statement is being misconstrued? Can't the normally verbose Fred speak for himself and clarify? His silence is totally uncharacteristic.


Furthermore, Fred began his message with "My personal view is that Net-based
ventures ..........."
Are we to assume here that because Fred is a member of Goanet Admin he is not
permitted to have a personal view and opine on any issues? Or are we to assume
here that everything Fred opines is also the dictat of Goanet Admin?
No! Neither of the above is true. If any Goanet Admin member is corresponding
as a member of Goanet Admin, they will nearly always have "Goanet Admin" at
the end of the message, like I have below.

Well said. So can I assume that Fred's statement about the 'benevolent dictatorship' is not shared by the other Admin Team Members? Or is it?


Bosco: As far as Goanet being democratically run......there have been issues that Goanet Admin have acted on their own initiative and there are issues that Goanet Admin have acted on based on public and personal feedback from Goanet members. The results are never always pleasing to everybody.

I agree. One can't please everyone. And specially when one has a 'vision', as Fred stated. Which, incidentally is a query that you skirted Bosco. What is this vision? Whose vision is it? Shouldn't the subscribers know?


Goanet has a defined set of Rules and Guidelines. If members followed those
Rules and Guidelines, there would be no need to moderate Goanet or to question
whether Goanet is run like a "democratic institution".

That is illogical! Every country has a constitution which is much more comprehensive than the GoaNet guidelines. But still we have the Police and the Judiciary because of various ways of interpreting the Law, and subsequent conflicts.


On behalf of Goanet Admin, I say to Goanet members, speak up and be heard. If
there is an ongoing debate you don't like or have a point of view, share it!!
Don't not be afraid that other Goanetters will attack your point of view. Our
own points of view is what we are made of....so we have to stand-up for them.

I agree. One can't lurk around and then complain to the Admin Team that things are going bad. Speak up, join in! Don't criticise from your anonymous perch in the audience.


All members of Goanet Admin and Goanet volunteers have real-world jobs and
pursue other real-world pursuits......other than Goanet. It is Goa that draws
us to Goanet - whether as members or Goanet Admin.

Cecil: Rather redundant. All subscribers too have real-world jobs and pursuits. I presume.

I do have a substantial real world existence.


While we make every
effort to satisfy all points of view, it is impossible to keep everybody
happy. All that is being provided is an avenue for Goans to come together and
chit-chat on various issues, from the mundane to the intellectual. While we
may disagree on many issues, there is no need for animosity amongst us as some
of the recent debate indicates. We are after all, GOANS....we are
communicating with our own.

To the best of my knowledge membership and participation in GoaNet was not restricted to Goans only. Have the rules been changed?


...we are all in this together for Goa and Goans
whether in Goa or the Diaspora....There is no need for us to bite each others
heads off.

Agreed. And also if there is a 'vision' that the Admin Team is working towards then it should be shared so we do not work at cross purposes. And Fred should clarify what he meant (as an individual or as a Admin Team Member) instead of asking others to interpret his statements.


On a personal note, Goanet has enriched my knowledge of Goa, Goans and the
world about us on a number of issues.

Same here.

It has also facilitated me to renew old
friendships and make new friends, like Cecil Pinto and Fred Noronha.

Same here! I have met many, many interesting people (including Bosco - in person) and made friends thanks to interacting in Goan Cyber Space, especially on GoaNet.


Viva Goa! Viva Goenkar !!
Best wishes - Bosco
Goanet Admin

Viva GoaNet!!! With or without a visible vision! Best wishes - Cecil Subscriber and Curmudgeon

 (This is my second sending of this post as it did not appear earlier)

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