From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The volunteers and others involved at Goa Sudharop have maintained the highest level of ethical
conduct. No less is expected.

A few days ago, Dave Futers mentioned how the Goa Sudharop supported Goa Schools Computer Project did not pay a bribe to move the computers off the Mumbai docks.

I must add that my experience with Goan expat organizations and NGOs in Goa has been stellar in financial matters. They have accounted for the last penny and make me proud of how they have
handled their responsibility and accountability.

One is to be judged by the company they keep.


Dear George,

Once again...Thanks for your statement.

I hope the detractors are happy now.

Must add this: I believe that Patrick (PD) took a swipe at Goa Sudharop (perhaps) because George Pinto is involved in it + the fact that George Pinto has hyper-picante views on the Catholic Church (many of which I do NOT agree with) .

I hope that in future we will attempt to separate the person from the issue - and that too, Issue by Issue.

Having said that .... Please Keep up the Good Work.


PS: Yes.... M&M, GoaDesc, Roland, Lilian are good (and selfless) company indeed

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