Hi guys.  Just on that, does anyone have any suggestions how we can
encourage the women on this forum to be more involved in discussions.
Not that there's anything wrong with just hearing men's views (yeah
right!!), we need to explore more views from women.  Any suggestions??
Have some sort of Women's Day or something, I don't know, just thinking
aloud here. 
4. RE: OFFTOPIC -- Bad news: the gender divide in emailing... (Philip
Message: 4
From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <goanet@goanet.org>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 10:24:09 +0530
Subject: [Goanet]RE: OFFTOPIC -- Bad news: the gender divide in

This is baaaaad news! And to think that on Goanet all the men have been
succesful in pushing off the women -- almost,> [Fred Noronha, May 22]

Glad somebody has figured out what the study and its implications are.
Its just as well that it is Fred as it should come in  handy for
boosting effective participation on goanet from time to time.  My own
hunch is that the findings may only be applicable to goanet in the very
broadest sense because the focus of the study was apparently on "task
oriented" emails (i.e. do this or do that) and not generalised
discussion of the type we engage in. Maybe this is why the gender divide
is as pronounced as Fred seems to have us believe.

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