
I'll concede again as I have in the past, that one can never fully comprehend 
what the other party intended saying when reading an email. This has often 
lead to misunderstandings, rancour and nastiness.

My original message on this thread was in response to Cornel's request.

> Mario replies:
> Oooh!  Touched a raw nerve, have we?  By the way, I have many good things 
> to say about your beautiful country, but you are not going to hear them 
> when I'm responding to vicious, truth-twisting attacks on everything 
> American, that have no context or perspective.

RESPONSE: No raw nerves here !! It does not matter what you have to say. What 
you've said thus far is enuff !!

> Bosco, you should know better than anyone else that all this started with 
> the vicious, sadistic, bogus and completely delusional attacks on everything 
> US by your fellow countryman in Toronto, Mervyn.

RESPONSE: Take some of your own advice that you have dished out in the past 
few days. Here are your quotes: 

"Gabe, you need to unwind a little and not take yourself so seriously."
"Let's not all get carried away here."

> > Bosco writes: 
> > 
> >
> > ‘Canuck’ seems to be a sticky term. Used by Canadians, the word is 
> > acceptable in virtually all applications. Used by an outsider, however, 
> > it has the potential to take on an offensive or derogatory tone.

> Mario replies:
> How did the College of New Jersey, which I never heard of until this post, 
> become the authority on what is appropriate?  There are also some American 
> college professors who believe the use of native-American team names is 
> offensive, which is patently absurd.  Even then, the good professor 
> says, "Used by Canadians, the word is acceptable in virtually all 
> applications."

RESPONSE: You think very little of Canada's The Globe and Mail and The 
Guardian from the UK. A google of the web will yield loads of jingoistic info 
on the term "Canuck" from Canadian sites. But then I wouldn't dare refer you 
to anything other than US sites as all these sites are "vicious and truth-
twisting on everything American". So I referred you to a US site.

> So what's with all the angst, if it is acceptable when used by Canadians?  
> What kind of logic makes a term "acceptable" or "unacceptable" based on who 
> is using it?  This is simply a left-wing political tactic.
> Grow up guys.

RESPONSE: What was all the angst if somebody spelt your last name Goveia or 
Gouveia ?? Why were you correcting a fellow Goanetter some weeks ago ?? When 
somebody does not like the name he/she is being called/addressed, etiquette 
would demand you amend one's habit.

It's time for you to follow your own advice again !!

> > Bosco writes: 
> > So Mario, while I can't speak for can continue to call 
> > me a Canuck especially if it makes you feel good.....I am after all a 
> Mario replies:
> Thanks for the permission, Bosco.  So, according to you and your professor 
> at the College of New Jersey, I guess it is then perfectly acceptable for 
> me or another Canadian to call you a Goan Canuck?

RESPONSE: This is YOUR prof in YOUR country. New Jersey is not part of Canada. 
And yes, you can call me a Goan Canuck !! I hope you feel better now and we 
can return to more important issues that affect Goans in Canada. For 
eg. Jobs !! There are a number of educated and highly qualified individuals, 
including Goans that come to Canada each year and go thru great difficulty in 
getting started in their chosen professions.

Best wishes - Bosco

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