Derek Almeida wrote:
Well .. those were the days when the USSR was really friendly .... what say
you Cecil. If I ever get my hands on that Mikhail fellow I'll draw a green
patch on his head. That should teach him a lesson for messing up with the


Dear Derek,

How refreshing to have you back here. I thought we had lost you to the world of television forever. We need more insane people here to rock the boat!

Your bad encounters with the USSR were most unfortunate. I recently made friends with a Russian couple and found them extremely pleasant and we shared a lot of anecdotes and a lot of beer.

But you are entitled to your opinion - for another week only. After that if you keep putin down the former USSR I will tell my OTHER Russian friends, currently trading in South Goa, to break all the bones in your right hand and soak it with vodka and light fire to it.




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