Hi Gabriel and Teotonio:
Thanks for including me in this dialogue. 
In political and diplomatic parlance is not, "to study a special statute" a 
polite was to shelve the issue or even worse?

To me the issue is not the effort and the desire- which I am sure there was.
To me the issue:  What were the end-results?
Any practical changes to benefit the masses / the ruled?
Regards, GL

---- Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi  Teotonio & Gilbert L,
> I came across the following snippet at
> Roughly translated: 
> "Marcello Caetano was, at the time (i.e. 1946), the
> Minister for Colonies. His initial approach was, at
> the suggestion of Prof. Floriano de Melo, Goan,
> professor at the Medico-Surgical School of Goa and
> Member of Parliament for (Portuguese) India in the
> National Assembly (of Portugal),  to study a special
> statute, different from the standard model of the
> Portuguese colonial legislation."
> Therefore, it does appear that Dr. Froilano de Mello
> (as you can see, spellings differ for the same person)
> did have an influence in the Portuguese Parliament in
> altering the status of Goans, contrary to what
> Teotonio had written way back.  
> The Portuguese article, in paragraphs prior to the one
> above, states that the population of the territories
> comprising the Estado Portugues da India, of a little
> over 600,000 inhabitants, *were all Portuguese
> citizens in the eyes of the Law*.  Also, the
> government and the administration of the Estado was
> carried out by Goans, many of them graduates of
> universities of Lisboa, Porto and Coimbra. 
> The last sentence above confirms what B. K.
> Bohman-Behram (1955) had written earlier in his book,
> “Goa and Ourselves”. 
> The naval magazine of Dec 2001 has a number of
> articles on Goa and India.
> Regards,
> Gabriel de Figueiredo.
> Melbourne – Australia.
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