Fr. Agnelo Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The church has an obligation not only to speak against moral
corruption but corruption in all areas of our life. This obligation comes from Christ who constantly spoke against the evil and corrupt structures of his

Dear Fr. Agnelo:

I responded to a similar email from Dr. Jose before I found your email.
I am particularly speaking on the rampant corruption that is happening in Goa such as:

Govt Employees taking bribes
Corrupt Catholic politicians/elected representatives
Neighbors/relatives who appear from nowhere and claim your property
People who do harm to others
People who do not follow the laws such as building on your property lines (boundaries)

I see all these people involved in above activities attend the Church on Sunday's. What a great place to bring these issues up.

Where is the Church on these issues and why is it not taking a firm stand?


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