Name derived possibly from the valley of Souto, in Spain. Being a large
locality, it was termed Maior. The first known user of it as family name was
Paio Mendes Sorede de Sotomaior (XIII c.) married to Eremesenda Nunes
Maldonado. The descendants moved to Portugal. Their 7th grandson, D. Pedro
Alvares de Sottomayor, viscount of Tui and count of Caminha, lived for some
years in Portugal after 1476. His descendant D- Pedro Taveira de Sottomayor,
played an important role in the military campaigs of the "Restoration" of
Portugal's independence from the Spanish rule in the mid 17th century. As
compensation for these services, king John IV of Portugal confirmed him as 
Dom", and as "very noble". He left numerous progeny that continued to use
the family name. Their coat of arms have  silver background, with three gold
and red chess-bands. It also displays a red lion.

There is no Sottomayor in any of the graveyard inscriptions recorded and
printed by Brás Fernandes in his *Armas e Inscrições do forte de Baçaim*
(Lisboa, Portuguese Academy of History, 1959)  where many prominent white
Portuguese descendants had their fortunes in India. However, Vol. III of
Jorge Forjaz, *Os luso-descendentes da India Portuguesa* (Lisboa, Fundação
Oriente, 2nd ed., 2003) has 8 pages for this family (pp. 785-792). D.
Lourenço de Souto-Maior goes from Mozambique to India in 1609, and was
captain of the northern fleet in 1613. Another, D. Francisco de Alarcão de
Souto-maior came to India with the governor D. Rodrigo da Costa in 1707 and
died in 1722. Occupied important posts in the navy. D. Diogo Manuel de
Soouto-maior was born and died in Goa. Was captain of Daman and Diu in 1750s
 Belonged to the Misericordia de Goa. There is a Luis Filipe Valadares de
Souto-Maior buried in the Church of Reis Magos (Consult the writings of
Ricardo Micael Telles in *Oriente Português* for more details).  Consult
also Goanet archives: http://www.goanet

Teotonio R. de Souza





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