--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jose wrote:  
> > Did it not strike you that A Catholic
> Marxist-Leninist Priest would be an epitomy of an
> Oxymoron?
George replied illogically:
> Logically, it could also follow that a Catholic
> Capitalist priest is an oxymoron.  After all the
> Catholic church was around before Adam Smith and
> capitalism as we know it.  It cannot now align
> with capitalism which would mean it was aligned with
> the wrong side prior to then.  If it does
> align with capitalism now, what about the ills of
> capitalism?  After all capitalism just killed a
> 100,000 people in Iraq.

Mario points out:
George, you need to cut the crap as well, and not turn
both facts and logic on their respective heads. 
Surely a learned professor like you would know that
Marxism-Leninism is an atheistic philosophy, which is
why a Catholic Marxist-Leninist Priest would be a
genuine oxymoron.  The last time I checked, Capitalism
was an economic system which does not include a
religious component.

To blame the LIBERATION by US-led forces of 50 million
Afghanis and Iraqis on an economic system is the
height of illogic, with all due respect.  Furthermore,
you seem to not be following the daily news, and so
have missed the fact that the innocent Iraqis are
being targeted and killed by suicidal Sunni
Marxist-Leninist Baathists, in their attempt to deny
freedom and democracy to the majority of Iraqis. 
These are the same Sunni Marxist-Leninist Baathists,
led by Saddam Hussein, who had brutalized the majority
of Iraqis for over 30 years, news of which also does
not seem to have filtered up to your ivory tower.  

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