Dear Administrator,
Can I make a suggestion of topics for this weeks' discussion so we can move
to a more progressive approach:

1. How can we assist (in any method) to improve communication network i.e.
internet, phones.wifi,wimax in GOA.
2. How can we set up a system including desalination to guarantee drinking
water in Goa ( forget the weels they are almost all polluted by groundwater
3. How can we ensure that people who have a motor vehicle have a valid
driving license after doing the driving tests and did not bribe anyone?
4. How can we improve the Health response time with ambulances or 24 hour
TRAUMA centre in GOA.
5. How can we arrest criminals who sell real estate with so called POA (
Powers of Attorney) and have no legal capacity to convey title.

Thank you
Dr. Joaquim De Souza

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