From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<If you CAREFULLY review my comments with an objective eye, you will note that I am opposed to unjust Power Structures which happen to be white in the topics/threads discussed.>


Unfortunately dear Prof, this average Joe is not as brilliant as to Read "anti-white" "anti-white" "anti-white" from George Pinto ....and NOT to See Through George's basic racial bias.

If you want ordinary (like moi) human beings to read objectively, I suggest that you even handedly OPPOSE the Power Structures on principle and actions, and ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT reference to their skin colour. Leave that to the Casteists who disciminate against the dalits.

You did the very same thing wrt Bride and Prejudice. And yet, I wonder HOW many Indian Movies you have seen in the past decade....or two.....or three.....or four!. Object all you want, to policies and actions - but when you bring in "colour" .... you are bringing in Colour..... aka Varna in Sanskrit.

BTW: In the "Pope John Paul v the Hijacked by Marxists ideology Liberation Theologists in the Latin American govts" , I have yet to hear George Pinto's viewpoint on WHAT John Paul should have done, and on what basis?

Should he have left them alone?

From Whom would they take their direction ? What if the direction led to
violent actions (unheard of in the political arena ....Right?)

Has George Pinto studied the travails of other Liberation Theologian politicians (ex priests) and what happened to them ?

Are George Pinto's attacks on John Paul II visavis Liberation Theologian politicians.....objective?

or are they about some underlying anti-Catholic and anti-European hangup?


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