--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't know what makes you think, I was denied
residency visa - I worked for a top notch Bank and
they could have just picked up the phone and got me a
Visa - perhaps you are totally unaware how the system
works! I was already paying State and Federal taxes. I
had in fact been approached by another two Financial
Institutions in New York. What makes you think that
one cannot simply walk away? Perhaps to you, money is
everything - not everyone is of the same mould.

Mario replies:
I was kidding you because I do not understand your
relentless hostility towards the US and your support
for the brutality of the Saddam Hussain regime.  I
have lived in England and the US, so I know the
difference is a lot more than warm beer and lousy

Gabe writes: 
> Now as instructed by Mervyn kindly refrain from
misinformation, including distortions. Interrogations
are one thing torture quite another! I take it, that
you support torture and deprivation of ones human
rights and degradation of people opposed to the USA!
You have made it amply clear on this forum that you
are quite happy for young Americans to die for 'the
cause' but not your progeny.

Mario replies:
Gabe, it is you and Mervyn who are the masters of
misinformation and blatant distortions.  Since you
both seem to get your information from propagandists
you may be surprised to learn that no one who is
simply "opposed to the USA" is either interrogated or
tortured.  That would qualify a good part of the US

None of the detainees at Gitmo meet the criteria for
treatment under the Geneva Convention, but are treated
humanely nevertheless.  Torture is not condoned, and
the few who have been found to go over the line during
interrogations have been prosecuted and punished.

It may also surprise you to know that captured al
Qaeda training manuals show that the terrorists are
trained to deliberately lie and falsely accuse their
captors as a tactic.  

By the way, the young Americans who have died all
volunteered to risk their lives for a higher cause,
something you would know nothing about, far less
understand.  Furthermore, you would have had far more
credibility if you had shown some awareness of what
Iraq was really like under your buddy, Saddam. 

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