From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<Cut the games and word playing. Please withdraw the lie that I have criticized SFX or Mother

Prof-ssor Georgebab Pinto,

Please show me where jc has said that you " criticized SFX or Mother Teresa"

All I have said is the following: [JC9: With Rt Wing Hindu fundamentalists and the George Pintos of this world both going Hammer and Tongs after St Francis Xavier, Mother Teresa]

Now....George Pinto can search his own posts in relation to Blessed Jose Vaz ...they are available on "search" .... and he can then advise us of the following:

1. Was he supportive of SFX or derogatory ?

2. Was he supportive  of MT or derogatory ?

3. Did he make racial accusations at the Vatican wrt Blessed Jose Vaz visavis SFX and MT or not?

for starters .....I will post the following can then go and do his own "search"

have fun .....and then ....please drop this penchant for Racial ghuspott

Oh yes.....and don't forget the Indian Girl and her SUITABLE Indian boyfriend



a few of George Pinto's posts:

I am also beginning to see the wisdom of Dr. Jose Colaco's advice a few months ago, that criticism of the Vatican (even if justified) may be used by fundamentalist elements in India to further harass Christians there.

Date: Tue Sep 19, 2000  3:25 pm
Subject: Fwd: MOTHER TERESA's coiterie commits torture

It is unfortunate we do not pay attention to language, especially its hidden racial, sexist, aegist overtones. Yes, black smoke to denote failure is not outside our racial prejudices, including the Vatican's bias for reserving its highest honors of Popes, saints for Europeans (WHITES).


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