Why no comment from some real East African Goans on
the following discussion?

--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cornel wrote:
> I am puzzled by the specific point you make that: "
> the large numbers of
> East African Goans who brought their prejudices back
> with them, when in Goa
> itself these same caste prejudices were on their way
> out". You may indeed
> know more about this than I do, and I therefore hope
> you will find the time
> to elaborate on your contention please.
> -------
> Cecil:
> Actually it is just my subjective reading of the
> situation as I know a lot 
> of people from Saligao. I am not generalising to the
> whole of Goa. For 
> example in my village of Aldona too there are many
> East African Goans but 
> they don't seem to have had any effect on the caste
> consciousness of Aldona 
> society.

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