This writer understands that, ex Vice Chancellor of
the Goa University  Prof.Olivinho Gomes a native of St
Estavam Tiswadi (Ilhas) was awarded the Second Dempo
Research Fellowship, by the Dempo Trust, (on selection
among three short-listed, including Architect Gerard
da Cunha,in 2003, ) on "THE GOAN VILLAGE  COMMUNES'
that is 'Gaunkari' or 'Comunidades'. 

Readers will recollect that these age old pre-
Portuguese instituions )historically they exist since
Vedic times ) have been the bedrock of litigations
encroachements, not only by Goans,rich and poor but
also the non Goans, and the Government has been the
worst  abettor of all these illegalities and every
politician tries to use the "Gaunkaries" or
Communidades land  to appease the vote bank or indulge
in real estate speculation in lands belonging to these
 221 Communidades. 
A registered body , members of the Association of
Components of the Communidades headed by Mr Andre
Periera a leading legal practitioner and a  renowned
authority on "gunkaries" have time and again
highlighted the problems faced by these age old pre
Portuguese institutions but except  for bemoaning the
problems  viz; illegal usurping of powers of the
Gaunkaries by the  State viz; the Government of Goa,
no faithful English translation of the Code of
Communidades (this author has a copy of the English
translation of Code the same ) lack of finance to move
the appelate Courts, the members are divided over the
line of action (tussle is apparently between the
"owners" and the "tenants" the latter have money but
are not willing to tow the line of the "owners" owing
to mistrust hence no "pragmatic solution" appears in
sight} now well over 44 years, the result the
"Gaunkaries" suffers and the violators profit at the
cost of the age old institutions.

For the non goans it is an El Dourado the land of sun
fun and plenty -- given the gullible nature and crab
mentality of "Amchem Goemcar".

It is also learnt that the research was completed and
presented by him to the Trust on 7th February, 2005,
and it was in all probability expected to be presented
in manuscript officially on 4th March,2005, but
apparently due to unstable political conditions in Goa
(Presidents rule in force)  and Goa Legislative
Assembly came under suspended animation  it could not
be done. 

Later it is learnt that he  was promised on 23rd
April, when the book "Culutural Map of Goa" arising
out of first Fellowship of Dr.Pandurang Phaldesai
Member Secretary kala Academy was released, that it
would be done, after a final meeting of the Trustees,
wherein his  manucsipt would be commented upon and
observations made, in the first/second week of May. 
But there is no communciation so far in this regard,
though he has been pursuing this issue through their
PRO and a few Trustees.

It is reliably learnt that to the extent possible Prof
Gomes has  tried to be as succinct yet as complete as
possible and presented the issue in concrete, readable
terms, in trying to get at the core of the maze of
legislation and disputes that have clouded this
age-old ancestral institution of ours that shaped our
philosophy of life and world outlook.

In fact in the study --The Goan Village Communes, as
his report is entitled  is presented in 207 pages of
Mss. and another 150 pages of annexures. The chapters
are as follows : l.The Village Commune System; 2. The 
Indian Context; 3. Goa and its physcial environment;
4. Origins of the Goan village communes; 5. Pattern of
Commune land layout; 6. The Commune Structure and
Functions; 7. Indigenous depredations of Communes; 8. 
The Portuguese regime and the Communes (the longest of
the chapters); 9. Debate on dissolution v/s Retention;
10. The Commune Constituents ('componentes' and
Others; 11. The Present Goan Village Communes; 12. 
Post-Merger Scenario of Communes; 13. Relevance of
Goan Village Communes; 14. Future Plans and

The annexures include : an authentic translation of
the famous 'Foral' or Charter of 1526 given by the
Portuguese to the citizens of Goa; plans made for
re-organising communes into a cooperative agricultural
partnership in 1900; report for their reorganisation
by agronomical engineer Roncon, on institution of
family households ; basis for remodellation of
communes by expert Wolfango da Silva; samples of some
village communes belonging exclusively to one caste or
community, among all castes and communities including
the Gauddi/Kunnbi, and where two or more 
castes and communities share in their management,
giving statistical information about
them,representative of the Old and New conquests 
regions of Goa; an article on bunds or embankments;
details of land holdings, 'zonn' and dividends;
pictures of of our 'latth' in comparison with 
the 'shadoof 'ofEgypt;old 'gaunkars, 'nadkarnis'
'kulkarnis', 'gaunkar women' of old;,'bhattkar in
'cabaia'; goldsmith, dancer-women;vendors of bangles,
vegetables,thatch-leaves, and goldsmith, plough,
handmill, hindu school, county council of elders,
cadastral map of Goa, and gist 
of reports of committees that worked on communes
including the very learned notes of dissent given by
authorities in the subject like Dr. Alvaro de Loyola
Furtado, ex-MLA and President of the Indian Party.

Despite the concern of every Goan on the fate of the
Communidade and the rampant encroachments on its land
one would earnestly hope  and trust that this
manuscript will see the light of day soon in book form
at the earliest. 

This writer who was interacting with a large number of
non resident Goans from UK Portugal Canada Spain
Brazil France and UAE at the Gomant Vishwa Sammelan
2005 was inudated by queries on the lack of action or
inaction by the Government on this matter.  

In fact the then Chief Minister Mr Manohar Parrikar
had gone on record that frankly he needed to come to
grips with the nitty gritty of Communidades   and once
and for all come out with a pragmatic solution but
political compulsions, denied him the time and
opportunity to get deep into this issue. 

(It may be noted that only in October 2004 Mr Parrikar
got a comfortable majority but after the suceess of
IFFI and the controversial CD his political troubles
began and he was finally ousted on 2nd February 2005)

The Dempo Trust needs to be commended for giving its
valuable assistance for this study on the Communidades
but there is reason for concern over the GROSS FAILURE
 to allow the document see the light of the day.

It is true that some time ago some unpleasant
disclosures by a prominent English daily of top
bureaucrats and other luminaries usurping Communidade
lands in Porvorim created political ripples and the
matter was subjudiced.  

Thereafter with the Government of Goa deciding to
regularise the encroachments on Communidades with June
2000 as the cut off date (mainting till this date the
list of NAMES of those desirous of getting such
encroachments legalised a guarded secret)there is
bound to be a lot of heart burning and unpleasant
exposure.  But this being the bane of all problems
relating to land the ever-rising court litigations the
Dempo Trust would do well to have the report

With such a vouluminous task undertaken by Prof
Olivinho Gomes it is obvious that one should
disseminate this information to the Goans at home  and
in the diaspora. since this is an institution that we
can be proud of but has been mauled and butchered by
our own people, when the Portuguese could not and did
not undo it in their 450-year rule. 

In fact the erstwhile Portuguese regime acknowledged
in their final enactment on the subject in the Act of
Legislature (Diploma Legislativo no.2070) embodying
the 'Codigo das Comunidades' of 1961, that 'we
recognize the historical truth - as emphasized by
Cunha Rivara - that the communes are vested with
absolute ownership of their property, which caannot be
alienated or sold, but only leased out for specific
purposes, the State acting only as a tutelary
authority to supervise and intervene in case of
disputes and iregularities, which principle has been
given the go-bye in present Goa .

This writer has interacted with several members of the
Communidades and they are in agreement that the report
of Prof Olivnho Gomes should be made public

This writer also pleads with His Excellency the
Governor of Goa Mr S C Jamir who has seen for himself
the number of land revenue related cases that have
been causing unrest among the people and therefore
kindly  constituted a committee to examine the issue
of land reforms relating to rapid land fragmentation
in the State under the stewardship of the Chief
Secretary of Goa, to impress upon the Trustees of
Dempo Trust to make public the report at the earliest.

One view is that the report should form a part of the
students curriculum at the school level,  and also as
a subject at the five year Law Course for better
understanding of the age old institutions vis a vis

One must clearly understand that the Continental Law
is in variance with the Indian Law in that the former
is more realistic while the later is the cause of all
land related problems and corruption in Goa. Until
these issues are settled and one may note that the
legal practitioners in Goa are strongly divided on
this issue.  As a matter of fact the influential lot
of the over 1200 legal practitioners in Goa ensure
that the Portuguese origin laws are done away with so
that litigation will increase while there is another
silent group which feels that if the laws of
Portuguese origin are made adaptable to post
era of Goa there would not be much ground for

His Excellency should kindly note that presently there
is a compilation of the Laws of Inheritance and
Succession which was referred to the Select Committee,
by the previous Manohar Parrikar led Government.

This  is a beautiful attempt by a committee headed by
Mr Fernando Colaco senior Advocate Panaji to solve the
cumbersome procedures that existed in the matters of
Inheritance and Succession.  The present Advocate
General of Goa Mr Mario Bruto Da Cost of Margao who
hails from a prominent aristrocrat Goan family of
repute both in Portugal and Goa could assist His
Excellency in unearthing the core issues that affects
the lifes of Goans --- "Gaunkaries" Communidades and
Civil Code of Portuguese origin.

No doubt Presidents Rule from 4/3/2005 may be lifted
post bye elections 6/6/2005 nevertheless His
Excellency would render yeomen service to the persons
of Goan origin in Goa and abroad if he could use his
good offices to impress upon the incoming Government
to go ahead with the reforms on land matters as his
gift to Goans specially in the Velhas Conquistas of
Salcete Mormugao Ilhas (Tiswadi) Bardez Goa under
Portuguese rule from 1510 to 1961 


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