--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: < Hey George! Was it not you who said that Mother Theresa is being fast tracked to sainthood, only because of her 'white' origin.>

--- From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


GP1: Thanks for sparing us your bigoted views on Sikhs, Hindus in this post even though your personal attacks continue and your logic suffers.

GP2: Criticizing a system which has given Europeans many of the saints and most of the
Popes is very different from criticizing a particular saint.

GP3: You are repeating the lie made yesterday by a cybergoan who finally admitted "Tell us his [George] true feelings towards/neutral/against SFX and MT.... and IF George Pinto's feelings towards MT & SFX et others are actually positive (even if he hasn't said so thus far)….."

GP4: So it is admitted that I have not said anything so far, but false claims are made that I have been going "hammer & thongs against SFX & Mother Teresa"!


JC's response:

I thought the Righties were good at "switching channels" and "pretending to answer questions"

Nasci's point to George Pinto begs the question which is at the Crux of the point I have been making: Here it goes again : Has Prof George Pinto said or NOT said that Mother Theresa is being fast tracked to sainthood, only because of her 'white' origin ?

All George Pinto has to say ... YES or NO. Then we can skip the Dulpod ani Dekhni

Now ....

re GP1: Classical RDT (Rightie Deflection Technique). By the same logic one can bring in "Dark" Indian film villains like Pran, Amrish Puri and Prem Chopra. (I am using film actors of yesteryear as it appears that George Pinto has NOT seen any recent Indian films....or else he would NOT have made such comments) I also hope that Prem Chopra (who I believe is still alive) does not blame me for calling him "dark".

And what about the awful SIN "committed" by the Indian girl in Bend it like Beckham .. by chosing a SUITABLE Indian boyfirend instead of a "white" boyfriend ?

Or the "Fair-skinned" actresses in Indian films instead of the dark skinned ones? . Still waiting for George Pinto to produce that Indian film with "Daakk" lead actresses.

re GP2: Just like saying that Colin Powell was appointed Chief of Staff - because he was black. NOT that he was (is) a good soldier.

Maybe ... this is the illogical part according to Georgian logic

re GP3: The language of the cyberGoan who wrote that to Prof George Pinto must be very poor. Cannot explain otherwise HOW even a Rightie or an extreme Leftie could construe that as ANYONE having ADMITTED ANYTHING?

I'll ask again: Prof George Pinto PLEASE tell us your true feelings on MT and SFX.

You response will actually tell us your position. Never mind the other illogical cyberGoan(s), You please set the record straight.

I repeat .... Even if you are NEUTRAL towards MT and SFX, (while THAT itself will tell us volumes) I promise to ENSURE that that the "cyberGoan" concerned will withdraw his statement - even apologize for misunderstanding you.

But ..come come...Let the music play on ...you please come away from the dance floor ...and Let's determine your TRUE position on SFX and MT.

re GP4: please see response to GP3 (above)

Have a good Sunday. If any among us visits a Temple, Mosque, Synagogue or Church today ..or tomorrow or the next day etc ..... Never mind the Race or "Caste" or even Age and Place of Birth of the messenger ..... IF the message is FAIR ....please accord attention.

In conclusion: I will return to do the needful (wrt this topic) ONLY when Prof George Pinto does his part ....Clearly and Sans Obfuscation.


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