The International Cricket Council did a ground
breaking ceremony to construct a building in dubai.
They are going to be located in the Dubai Sports City,
which is one of the many "cities" coming up here.
Abdul Rahman Bukhatir, the man behind cricket in the
gulf, said, "This is a historic event. we certainly
have come a long way in cricket in theis part of the
world. This is a very proud day in that we've been
able to bring this level of seriousness to the whole
Ehsan Mani said that the dubai ceremony "represent a
fantastic new chapter in the history of the ICC and
the game of cricket."
The office will open in media city (where i work) on
Aug. 1.
Chef executive Malcolm Speed that "it's very exciting.
we're coming to a new culturee. It's not just
relocation. we also share the vision of what is going
on in dubai. dubai becomes the wrold headquaters for
cricket. we're confident other sports will come here
speed said that an annual meeting of delegates at
Lord's would continute to be held there to "maintain
Bukhtair is partner in Sports City.


Tendulkar's star

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