When I read somewhere that Micky Pacheco wears rings
on his fingers and thick gold chains, I was reminded
of Franciso Branco.
When I first met him on his victory as Panaji mayor, I
was stunned by the jewelry he was wearing. If I
remember correctly, he was short and portly. With that
physical stature and the jewellery he looked like a
I forget what profession he held before becoming the
I saw pics of Pacheco during the rally in the Goan
Observer. Can't believe that elections in Goa are much
bigger than the famed carnival. Seems like all this is
sizzle but no substance.
Nowadays it matters little who wins and who loses. All
are painted with the same brush of being corrupt and
arrogant. The GO story on Monte Cruz is illustrative
of how deep corruption is in Goa.
No politician is above board.
The people have become complacent. Probably so because
there's no alternative. Even a promising party such as
UGP has to fall back on Monte Cruz is surprising.
If Benaulim projects such a poor picture, Taleigao is
not far behind. Or perhaps worse. Floriano Lobo's
jumping into the fray maybe akin to committing
political harakiri.
Good intentions apart, it seems to be from this
distance and from reading newspaper reports that Lobo
is a non-starter. If he can be a giant-killer, than
Lobo would be a political miracle. And miracles is
what we need in dear old Goa.
Come June 2, we will know.

Eugene Correia

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