dudes at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mervyn, you have the typical attitude of someone who
> could not get a US "green card", and had to move to 
> Canada or go "home". 

I have no idea what a "green card" is. I just asked an
ex-US citizen who works for me what it was and he
suggested that maybe it was the card that entitles the
holder to wait in pain, all night, in front of an
emergency ward.

After completing my formal education in the US
(complements of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the
State of Alabama) I moved to Canada. I moved for just
one reason. Canadians have the right to invest in any
country we choose to. I made an investment in the
Cuban tourist industry that has given me HUGE returns.
Since it really seems that you could use a holiday, I
am willing to send you, and all those at your address,
a two week, all inclusive, stay in a five star hotel
in Cuba. If the American govt does not allow it's
SECOND CLASS citizens to travel to Cuba, I will also
arrange for you all to fly over to Canada and then
proceed to Cuba. Heck, I will even include the little
Canadian flag that Americans seem to use on their
knapsacks while travelling abroad. All this is with my

> I guess you tell your friends in Canada that you 
> moved there because they would not
> let you run for US President.  I can see the Canucks
> nodding their heads in agreement and patting you on
> the back for displaying such wisdom.

As you so clearly point out, Canadians are MUCH wiser
than those who accept SECOND CLASS citizenship.

> In the US, once you are a citizen, no one considers
> you as anything else.  

The fact remains that there are two types of citizens
in the US i.e. those who can run for public office and
those who cannot. You, dude, cannot and thus are a
SECOND CLASS citizen. 

> This notion of second-class
> citizens and names like "Paki" are used in the UK
> and Canada, not in the US, as you have correctly 
> stated.

dude, your mind is frozen in the year 1971. 
Despite the visits to your psychiatrist "friend," you
are still carrying the verbal "bovine excrement" that
was hurled your way 34 years ago. I have not heard
anyone utter the word "paki" in Canada or elsewhere. I
have, however, repeatedly claimed that it's YOUR
in-laws who keep on insulting at you. The very fact
that you have not/cannot refute the above speaks

Since you have proven, time and time again, that your
comprehension skills are poor and usually way off the
mark, I will let you have the last word here. This
time you really need it.


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