Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:
> I did not say that life is "rosy" here, but I
daresay the quality of life here is better than in the
US (to which I was replying).  As I said above, it
depends on what you're looking for.

Mario replies:
I guess that's why the US is the No. 1 destination for
immigrants.  All people looking for the abysmal
ignorance (according to the learned Cornel, who runs
into only ignorant Americans wherever he goes, and has
somehow avoided all the ignorant and xenophobic Brits
where he lives that I ran into when I lived there and
couldn't wait to escape) that has made it the world's
only superpower, and a lousy quality of life
(according to Gabriel who also escaped from xenophobic
Britain and now lives in laid-back Australia).

Cornel wrote:
> I have also read of discrimination by colour
including the exclusion of Indian kids in sporting
events when playing in more prestigious settings. 
Gabriel responds: 
> Never heard of this or felt in Melbourne among my
vastly extended Goan family, which is increasing
every two years with more people from Goa coming here.
But there could be, I cannot deny that.

Mario warns:
Be careful Gabriel.  Cornel has a way of doing highly
anecdotal and selective research to form his opinions,
and has apparently never met a prejudiced Brit in his
life.  Probably lives in an Indian "enclave".
Cornel wrote:
> Please bear with me when I say that OZ is 
definitely not as rosy as you make it out. I have
really good friends in Australia (white and on-whites)
who definitely would disagree with your view through
what seems like rose tinted glasses.
Gabriel replies defensively:>
> May not be very rosy, but I think a bit rosier than
UK (:-)), especially if you're looking for a less
hectic life...

Mario asks:
Cornel says that OZ is "definitely not as rosy as you
(Gabriel) make it out to be."  This, without ever
having set foot in OZ.  Hey, Cornel, you should talk
to the thousands of Brits (white and on-whites) who
migrate to the US each and every year who "definitely
would disagree with YOUR view through what seem to be
rose tinted glasses")

Cornel wrote:
> Finally, I well expect some kind of onslaught over
the above. This happened when George Pinto was
attacked for similar views as mine.
Gabriel responds like a good laid-back Aussie, even
apologizing for not being more belligerent:
> Nothing belligerent from this side, I am sorry to
say.  You've got your views, which I respect. 

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