<This job of getting 'A380' readiness, was planned and executed, recently at
the Tullamarine Airport, in Melbourne. The Planning was done thoroughly, and
then execution was announced, and the work which was scheduled to be
completed, in six weeks, was actually completed 10 days ahead of the
schedule.>[Nasci Caldeira, June 4]

Just to disabuse folks of any thought that A380 readiness is a trivial

<A survey done by the ACI revealed that one airport needed to fork out some
US$100 million but Genottin said that on average, it would be one percent of
the cost of the airport.He cited the John F Kennedy Airport in New York
which invested 1.2 percent from its master plan of US$9.88 billion; Los
Angeles International 0.6 percent of US$8.95 billion; while San Francisco
International 0.4 percent of US$4.98 billion... He said Airbus has
[had]consultant teams dedicated *since 1994* to assist world airports [re
A380 operation]>[From link in the original post]

In my opinion A380 readiness may be beyond even our established airports
(due to paucity of traffic if anything)  leave alone a johnny-come-lately
like Mopa. Let's get serious.

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