With the return of the President of India Mr A P J
Abdul Kalam, from his 14 day four nation tour this
evening Saturday 4th June 2005 , the three month
President's Rule introduced since the 4th March 2005
will come to an end.  

The notification to this is expected any moment even
before the results are out on Sunday 5th June 2005
according to sources in New Delhi this writer has

One of the reasons for the immediate revocation of
President's Rule is that during the recently concluded
bye-elections to the five assembly constituencies the
Goa Legislative Assembly House was placed under
suspended animation, and to enable the new combine to
stake claim to form the Government following the
results that pour in it would obviously be advisable
to revoke the suspension as well.

Ironically when this writer contacted some party
workers  from the erstwhile United Legislative
Alliance viz; the Indian National Congress,
Nationalist Congress Party and the Maharashtrawadi
Gomantak Party atleast the NCP workers were clear that
the ULA does not exist any longer.  The MGP were a 
confused lot and were uncertain of their stand.

The UGDP is in a piquant situation in that one of
their members Mr Mathany Saldhana has till date
extended its support to the BJP while the other Mr
Francisco Monte Cruz has made it clear that if elected
he will extend support to the INC.

Whatever the claims the fact remains that new
permutations and combinations will come in play.  

While the BJP is clear on its Chief Ministerial
candidate the INC seems to have now settled for
Pratapsing Raoji Rane as its CM until the time of
writing.  But the BJP though had on an earlier
ocassion mentioned that it would prefer to sit in the
Opposition may have different thoughts if the verdict
is not in their favour.  

As a matter of fact the five candidates in the fray
for the BJP are literally political lightweights owing
their winnability or otherwise on the Party and not in
their individual capacity unlike those in the INC who
have staked their individual capacity rather than
party ideology.

Therefore this bye election result will be a litmus
test to ascertain the base of the BJP and their next
moves based on the % of votes polled.

One thing is clear this time that for the INC the
young legislators and first timers will demand their
pound of flesh and the seniors in the party or ex
ministerial candidates of two or three years standing
could be asked to make --- the "supreme sacrifice" to
rejuvenate the party if it succeeds in forming the



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