1.We cannot but help echo the words of Dag Hammarskold which maintain that " THE PRIDE OF THE CUP IS THE DRINK,ITS HUMILITY IN THE SERVING. You are not the oil,you are not the air--- merely the point of combustion,the flash-point where the light is born.You are merely the lens in the beam. You can only receive,give and possess the light as a lens does.If you seek yourself,you prevent the oil and the air from meeting in the flame,you rob the lens of its transparence. Sancity--either to be the light or to be self-effaced in the light,so that it may be born,self-effaced so that it may be focussed or spread wider"

2.Most unfortunately the Goa Su-Raj Party which has the LIGHTHOUSE as its Symbol is being choked by the actions of an UNELECTED,SELF-PROCLAIMED Party President, who being so FULL OF HIMSELF has singularly and blatantly trampled upon its Party Constitution. NO PARTY ELECTIONS AS ENVISAGED IN ITS CONSTITUTION HAVE BEEN HELD. INNER PARTY DEMOCRACY IS CONSPICOUS BY ITS ABSENCE! At the recent Bye-Elections to the State Legislative Assembly, the UNELECTED Party President awarded himself the "ticket" to contest the Bye-Elections from Talegaio, in utter breach of the procedures prescribed in the Party Constitution. Was this Bye-Election from Talegaio contested at the behest of a powerful Corporate having interests in MINING and owning a Hotel in Talegaio Constituency ? Has this person turned the Party into a "hired gun" at the beck and call of selfish men with mainly personal animosities to grind? Has this Corporate Chieftain funded the Candidate? Will this Corporate reflect its funding of the purported Goa Su- Raj candidate in its Accounts, or is it a clever device at laundering black money? What about Corporate Governance?

3.It is time that the ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA turned its attention to ensuring that political parties complied with their own constitutions and hold regular Party Elections.Or how else can Political Parties be expected to uphold the Constitution of India, and the democratic principles? Significantly,even mere Companies are required to adhere to their Memorandum and Articles of Association, and also hold Annual General Meetings.The same is the situation with Trade Unions who are under legal obligations under the Trade Unions Act.

4.The 1st step in solving a problem,is the realisation and acceptance that a problem exists!! Unless the Cup realises that it is empty, it cannot attract the Youth into coming forward to serve Goa and its people.Is it time that the retired "CHIEF STEWARD" who sailed the seven seas,and who brays of his exploits at "watering holes" in different parts of the Globe, be put to pasture by providing an enduring "watering trough" at Moira in the State of Goa? We reiterate the words of Mahatma Gandhi "YOU MUST BE THE CHANGE,YOU SEEK IN THE WORLD"

Gerald Fernandes,

(Registered under The Trade Unions Act 1926)
Registration No. Goa 413
Regd.Office: Annexe 271, Turtle Bay, Tembavaddo, Morjim Beach, Pernem,


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