Dear Editor,

Treachery by any other name is just as despicable.There is no way in which
treachery can be condoned.  The Congress Party, however, has given a new
twist to this reprehensible phenomenon in Goa's politics.   When an elected
politician from the BJP joins the Congress Party, he is welcomed with open
arms; and is even rewarded with a ticket to fight the bye elections in the
Cumbarjua constituency.  But when Nirmala Sawant opts out of the Congress
for being a party without principles, she is branded a traitor and is
publicly humiliated by the "High Command" which declared that the doors of
the Congress Party will remain forever closed to her.  The Congress Party
has specialized in this form of double-talk and has corrupted the electoral
process to an extent never known before.

Most of the present "leaders" of the Congress Party are traitors in the
classical meaning of the word.  They should have been barred from standing
for electoral office on the grounds of moral depravity.   However, it
appears that the more  unethical they become, the more they are rewarded
because of their "winnability" factor.

The BJP in Goa has been a disaster for the State, but the Congress, with its
twisted principles, is no alternative either.

It is time that the citizens of Goa reject both the BJP and the Congress and
elect new incumbents to the Legislative Assembly - persons of integrity, who
have never changed their political affiliations, and who will clean up the
mess which has been left by both the Congress and the BJP.

Yours faithfully,
Averthanus L. D'Souza,
D-13, La Marvel Colony,
Dona Paula, Goa.
Tel: 2453628.

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