I feel your pain,  don't get me wrong, but this whole
thing is a drag, you do make sense most of the times,
but how far does this near Quixotic quest for
vindication go, or is it really flagellation: i want
to believe otherwise.      eric.

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Jose,
> I note that you passionately extolled the virtues of
> Dr. Willy de Souza as a 
> surgeon and as your former academic/professional
> teacher. You seemed utterly 
> intrigued and disappointed that such a 'learned' man
> could give up a 
> lucrative medical professional career in the USA for
> engagement in political 
> life in Goa. However, I recall a Goanet post
> indicating that the said Dr 
> Willy believed strongly in caste, even though also
> professing to be a 
> staunch Catholic and acting as an adviser to the
> Catholic Church at a recent 
> Bishops' Conference. Therefore, the answer to your
> query is quite simple to 
> my very humble logic. Had he gone abroad, the man
> would not have been able 
> to swirl within the insidiousness of caste practice
> which is so plentifully 
> available in Goa. Now combine this with caste ridden
> politics in Goa, about 
> which so much has appeared on Goanet, as well as,
> the accommodation of caste 
> by the Catholic Church in Goa, and surely, you have
> the perfect heady triple 
> mixture of caste, Goan politics, and Catholicism.
> Surely, the man simply 
> could not be, utterly, more at home in Goa than
> anywhere else! Also, as an 
> aside, do remember Margaret  Thatcher's advisory
> political 'dictum' that 
> "everybody needs a willy sometime!"
> Cornel DaCosta, London, UK. 

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