Goan Print Maker Artist in Residence in Perth Western Australia.

This how the art world in Perth, Western Australia describes 
Hanuman Kambli This is how the local art world describes him:

Hanuman Kambli is one of India's foremost printmaker. He is an outstanding 
artist, Painter and Teacher and is Artist-In -Residence at Central TAFE during 
May/June 2005. His work addresses his personal experience of Indian mythology 
and philosophy and is currently the Head of Printmaking Studio at Goa College 
of Art.

He has an international reputation and since 1986 his work has been exhibited 
in Egypt, Brazil, Japan, Cuba, Germany, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Spain, Poland, 
Norway and Taiwan. He was a Fulbright Scholar in 1999 and spent four months 
lecturing at the West Michigan University in the USA and he was also artist-in-
residence at the Wimbledon School of Art in London in 1994-5.

This exhibition contains prints, acrylic on paper and mixed media works.
Hanuman is anxious to meet with as many people from the Indian community as 
possible. If you have the time it would be very much appreciated if you can 
arrange to offer him hospitality at your home. He lives by himself at 149 
Beaufort Street. He is very engaging in conversation, very knowledgeable on  
issues on modern art in India, and very much respected Printmaker in many 
parts of the world.

Please contact Hanuman on 94271918 

He also has prints and paintings for sale at very reasonable prices. I 
purchased one of a series of 4. He has also kindly donated one of his works to 
Shanti who is raising funds for the Tsunami victims.

He has indicated that he is willing to speak to audiences about Modern art.
He will be leaving Perth after 11th June.

Albert Da Cruz

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