And finally inevitable has happened and as expected all favourites got victory thereby giving a strong defeat to communal Parrikar and his super communal party BJP. I am not more happy that 4 seats went to the Congressmen but I am more happy because communal BJP and Hitlerian Parrikar has lost the chance of forming the Government in Goa and thereby Goa was saved from communal disaster. I am not happy that Poinginni Seat went to BJP but I am happy that Isidore got a royal defeat from the voters. He treated his voters as “gantta - boil” and as such he was taking them for granted. He was thought a very good lesson. Parrikar thought Goa is his father’s property. The way he was threatening Police force and other bureaucrats that he will take so and so action against them when he comes back to power was an enough indication of his Hitlerism. Now he must eat his own words and retire from active politics but he will never do that because he is a shameless man. He was given a chance on silver platter to rule Goa by politically crook Sardinha and other Congressmen and his position of communalizing Goan politics was further strengthened by other selfish politicians from non-BJP parties including Mathanay Saldanha who is still sticking-up to BJP. I am surprised how the constituents of Cortalim are still keeping silence over Mathanay’s flirting with others. The constituents of Cortalim must teach Mathanay Saldanha a very good lesson for his arrogance of still being arrogant. Mathanay was elected not to support and align with BJP but that he is still thinking of flirting with others is a crime against the confidence of his voters who should now and now only rise against him.

While showing my pleasure over the downfall of Parrikar and his BJP in Goa, I am hurt that once again the MGP product known for his anti-Goan and anti-Konkani characteristics Mr. Prataphsingh Raoji Rane is heading the current government in Goa. Rane is not as “Chor” and as “Bamtto” as other earlier Chief Ministers but he is as worst as first Goa’s Chief Minister Dayananda Bandodkar whose stance against Goa, Goans and Konkani is still fresh in our minds. Today Goa is suffering only because of the bias shown by Bandodkar against genuine Goans and against Christians and against Goan interest. Bandodkar was the first class communal. He was open but Rane is known to practice communalism in a disguise manner but more ferociously. Now that he is appointed as Chief Minister of Goa he will play all the dirty tricks against Christians, Konkanivadis and against the interest of genuine Goans. While he does this all his Cabinet and party colleagues will remain as pure “gantta – boils” because they will not care for anything other than their own personal interest. Rane though an artificial Congressman acquiring Congress citizenship thru naturalization for fulfilling his own convenience, he is pro BJP because being an MGP product he has to be the sympathizer of BJP and because of this he earned favours from Parrikar Government. The problem of genuine Goans is that we do not have upright persons to challenge and expose the wrong doings of Rane and his likes. Dr. Willie had some guts but he too can convert himself a cockroach. Earlier he was very challenging and bold especially during the Konkani agitation when he was donning the colours of Goa Congress but as he grows in age he is becoming more and more soft and selfish like other “chors” and “bamttes” in the Cabinet and in the Legislative Assembly. The current Congressmen are as corrupt as any other corrupt politicians. The current Congressmen have inherited corrupt culture of their seniors who have robbed India and Indians of their due rights and privileges. Winston Churchill while hitting hard at Clement Attlee during the process of India’s independence, spoke thus “ To hand over power at this stage into the hands of these rogue Congressmen headed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, will be a big crime because these rogue Congressmen headed by Nehru will exploit the poor Indian masses in such a way thru the means of taxation the benefit of which will be better acquired by the Congressmen only to lead a feudal life that there will be nothing left free for the poor Indian masses to enjoy free of charge except air”. I am sure the current Congressmen in Goa headed by Rane will do the same because lot of money power was used in the recent bye elections and in the process of dethroning of Parrikar Government and this huge money power has to be compensated either thru taxation or thru bribery, the latter option will be better suited for the Goan Congress politicians. In view of this, Government jobs, government contracts and all other Government facilities including seats in the Government aided educational institutions will be on sale. In the bargain poor Goans will be the worst sufferer. As a descendent of non-Goan family, Rane will surely show his liking for non-Goans and being the direct product of MGP of Bandodkar, he will commit worst crimes against Goans and Goan interest. I am sad that Rane is the Chief Minister of Goa and I am sad that current Congress Government of Goa is headed by him and aided by other Congressmen and members of other non-BJP Parties. However, I am very happy that UGDP has lost its grip in the recently held bye-elections because this party alone is more responsible for the nonsense of Goan politics. Radarao Gracias and his colleagues should know now that they should beware of voters' fury. This party is better known to “rent” its MLS to others and on top of it justify their stand which is wrong.

While concluding, I still feel that the current government under Rane will not survive for long because his colleagues are hungry for power to make money and more money thru which they got elected by making the voters fools and “gantta – Boills”.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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