Outside support: NCP move leaves D'Souza stunned 

RAJU NAYAK          

Posted online: Wednesday, June 15, 2005

PANAJI, JUNE 14, 2005: The NCP high command has decided not to participate in 
the Congress-led government in Goa and will instead support it from outside.

            The decision has upset its state chief Dr Wilfred D'Souza who is 
Deputy Chief Minister in the Pratapsinh Rane cabinet and also holds the plum 
Tourism and Environment portfolios. 
            D'Souza, who will have to give up his plum portfolios, feigned 
ignorance about the NCP move."We don't know the decision of the high command", 
his aide said. 

            The Deputy Chief Minister last week threatened to withdraw NCP 
support to the Rane government after his party colleague Mickey Pacheco failed 
to win a ministerial berth. 

            Aware that the Rane government survives on a slim majority, 
D'Souza began to sound out the BJP on forming an alternative government. 

            This prompted the NCP to rush two observers from Delhi to pacify 
D'Souza and declare that the party would not pull out of the government. But 
D'Souza may yet spring a surprise now that he is without a portfolio. 

            The NCP decision to provide only outside support comes when Rane 
had reportedly assured Pacheco he would be made sports minister after awarding 
only two portfolios among his 10-member team. Rane discussed Pacheco's 
induction with legislature party members and his cabinet colleagues before 
conveying the decision to the high command. Today's NCP decision took even the 
Goa Congress leadership by surprise. 

            (Indian Express)

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