While I fully agree that "Home is where the heart is",
I'm getting a little fed-up with the sly
sentimentality and the snide insinuations obviously
aimed at those of us who have our primary homes

Why would anyone who has a choice pick just one place
to call "home"?  This is 2005, and the world is a much
smaller place than it used to be.

I love Goa, bought property there recently, and visit
every year to bask in the warmth of friends and family
- all when the weather is still bearable.  Then we
head for more pleasant climes for the rest of the

Anyone who finds a resemblance between heaven and
Goa's stifling heat and humidity in summer, not to
mention the height of the monsoon season, is either
kidding themselves or has no other options.

--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Cecil Pinto wrote:
> > ..... I have decided that we are in fact better
> off here at home in Goa, India. There's no
> > place like home.
> > Melinda Powell wrote: 
> > Yet when it came to settling down, I chose to move
> from Mumbai to Goa and I absolutely love it
> > here.
> Dear Melinda and Cecil:
> While it is no secret that heaven is really Goa,
> there is another angle to the story.  

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