--- melinda Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im must confess to being sentimental but not sly.I
> dont think it is a bad thing to be sentimental.
> No snide insinuations were made,just some "straight
> from the heart" talk.Nothing is aimed /obviously 
> aimed at those who have primary homes else where.
Mario replies:
I apologize for the extraneous adjectives, which were
inappropriate, and I see nothing wrong with some
balanced sentiment and nostalgia, but for you and
others to emphasize the obvious about Goa where you
live, for no apparent reason, did have a smidgen of an
insinuation, in my never-humble opinion.  Maybe I'm

Having said that, my reaction may have had something
to do with the fact that I have met many expatriate
Indians, mostly older ones, who carry tremendous
sentimental baggage about having abandoned India, are
never sure where they "belong", where they want to be
cremated or interred, and other similar assorted

The younger ones seem to have no such qualms; the
whole world is their oyster in 2005.

The sentimental baggage can be harmful when living
abroad, setting people apart, making those same people
seem "strange" or "different" to the locals among whom
they live, and then leading to complaints of not being
made welcome, not being accepted, etc.

People who are happy to live wherever they do, project
that sentiment through their positive attitude and
infectious outlook, and never seem to have any
acceptance problems.

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