--- "Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>*--Your answer is biased. It is not an answer to my

Fr. Ivo, What is your question?

>I repeat that this is not creation, but fluctuation
>and change. 

Why does a fluctuation or change from zero matter,
zero energy and zero space/time to positive and
negative energy, and finite space/time, not amount to
spontaneous creation of something from nothing?

>The mirror phenomenon explains the working of the
>Universe, but not its origin "out of nothing".

Why? What justifies such a mere assertion?

>Scholastic Philosophy is not outdated in its first,
>self-evident principles, which are also being used by
>empirical science. 

Scholastic philosophy is a rediscovery and revision of
Aristotlean philosophy by Christian theologians of the
Middle Ages. What principles that are unique to this
philosophy, are used by modern science?

>But the question of the ultimate meaning of
>the Universe and the origin of everything, together
>with the time, cannot be explained by empirical

Why? What facts and rationale convince you that you
are right regarding this mere assertion?

>*--Let us wait till it becomes tested. Theory is
>a model. We can use different models...

Are you willing to change your mind about your
theological beliefs if empirical tests showed that
something might in fact have emerged from nothing
spontaneously? Or are you going to redefine "nothing",
or move the goal post further in some other way?

>*--Creation of the Universe cannot be proved

Why? What justifies such a mere assertion?



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