What is the purpose of making such posts ? Is it for
the people of Goa to be kept informed or for them to
participate - and address the said problems.

 If does relate to me or my family , why shoudl I
botehr - is the attitude many of us have.

 A question I have asked - so often on this forum
...do we have a Vascokars citizen Bureau ? OR  a

 IT is a SHAME - to me it looks many of us on this
forum do not care ... ?

 rene barreto


> Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
> family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
> Help others be BETTER INFORMED,
> The time is come for the people of Goa
> Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
> Website: www.goadesc.org Email:
> Press Clippings on the web:
> http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
> -------------------------------------
> Vasco?s vicious circle continues to kill
> ------------------------------------
> by Neena Dayal
> ------------------------------------
> Accidents in the last 2 months in Vasco
> April - May
> 11 - minor
> 10 - serious
> 05 - fatal
> 07 - deaths
> ------------------------------------------
> Accidents in the last 2 months in Mormugao
> April - May
> 01 - minor
> 02 - serious
> 01 - fatal
> 01 - dead
> -------------------------------------------
> The statistics speak for themselves and unless
> someone
> wakes up in the Vasco administration the statistics
> will
> keep on increasing. While road accidents are
> frequent and
> on the rise in Goa because of the lack of control by
> drivers
> and no police patrolling, there is one spot in Goa ?
> near
> Dabolim Airport which has been witnessing an
> increasing
> number of fatalities during the last one year.
> Yes, Dabolim Airport is the first impression of Goa
> for many
> who arrive daily in the hope of having a great
> holiday and
> some quality time here. The cross roads in front of
> the airport
> form one of the most important traffic junctions of
> Goa. Yet
> the glaring reality of the traffic confusion at this
> intersection,
> resulting in accidents on a daily basis has not
> stirred any
> administrative action so far. Many-a-lives have been
> lost,
> but no concrete plan to regulate the traffic on this
> junction,
> which also is a part of the ambitious four lane
> highway
> project, has emerged.
> According to Namrata Kashyap, town planner and
> successful
> landscape architect, ?the reason for the increasing
> number
> of fatalities is that this graded intersection (near
> Dabolim circle)
> is presently being manned by a US-based system of
> traffic
> regulation called the Stop-Sign system. This
> arrangement is
> evidently wrong according to the book on Traffic
> Engineering
> and Transport Planning by L R Kadiyali, which is
> considered
> a bible among all town planners and transport
> engineers.
> It clearly says that ?Stop signs should not be used
> on
> roadways or expressways, for speed control or at
> signalized
> intersections.? (Chapter 13 Traffic signs. Section
> 13.8
> Mandatory signs).
> Investigations by Herald showed that many of these
> signs
> put up at Dabolim Circle are extremely confusing to
> the driver.
> This reporter spoke to Sandip Surlekar, deputy Town
> Planner,
> Vasco, who could not decipher the exact connotation
> of the
> signs (a red bordered triangular sign with six red
> dots on
> white background) placed at this important junction.
> What is causing this confusion is that Indians have
> been
> instinctively following primarily British system of
> traffic-
> roundabouts or traffic-islands for traffic
> regulation at
> intersections for a long time now. And it is this
> confusion
> of a new system that is defectively implemented
> which is
> causing considerable confusion among poorly literate
> transport
> drivers and drivers of private vehicles.
> An examination of the spot showed that many signs
> were
> improperly placed, not easily understood and of a
> different
> signage which was causing confusion among drives.
> Agrees
> Mr Afonso, assistant director transport, Vasco,
> ?signs should
> be placed much ahead of the junction. New fellows
> are always
> speeding?, clearly revealing complete apathy and
> disinterest
> on the part of administration to deal with the
> problem. ??
> Says SP Traffic Mr. Deshpande, ?There is a dearth of
> qualified
> Transport Planners in Goa. The road under question
> has been
> constructed by Border Road Organization (BRO), under
> the
> guidance of National Highway Authority of India
> (NHAI). There
> are no doubts about their quality of construction.
> But they
> build such important intersections with local
> guidance and
> according to the local requirements, as they are
> ill-equipped
> in local information. They are used to building the
> roads in
> inhabitable terrains for military and civilian
> purposes.?
> Further investigations by this reporter with the
> Pune NHAI,
> which is responsible for overseeing highways and
> signs on
> highways proved that the nodal authority responsible
> for
> overseeing such constructions was completely
> ignorant of
> these incidents and rise in frequency of accidents
> Adds Deshpande, ?we have forwarded letters
> emphasizing
> the need for immediate action to the Collector?s
> office and
> Chief Engineer PWD, highlighting the gruesome
> accidents
> due to traffic regulation problem and various
> punctures
> existing in the nearby boundaries which permit stray
> animals
> on such a busy intersection.?? But what is stopping
> the
> authorities from carrying out any rectification is
> financial
> constraints.
> Local MLA, Karl Vaz harps on the ?unavailability of
> proper
> finances? as the reasons for delay in action, and
> talks about
> lofty plans of ?developing a flyover? at the spot.
> And while
> the authorities continue to debate and squabble over
> who
> should rectify the wrong signage at the Dabolim
> circle,
> precious lives will be lost.
> ------------------------
> HERALD 12/06/05 page 1
> ------------------------
> an initiative of GOA DESC RESOURCE CENTRE
> to promote civic and consumer rights in Goa
> GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
> Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>            website: www.goacan.org

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