I am so glad that Tony has received yet another award,
one more to add to the so many laurels he has received
during his glorious career. A cardiologist of great
caliber, he is a researcher par excellence, and has
written umpteen path-breaking papers and done
pioneering research in the field of Cardiology,
cardiac electrophysiology in particular. He is rightly
rated among the best cardiologists of the world. His
biography runs into several pages. Many may not know
that besides being a scientist, Tony is also a writer,
a poet, has a beautiful baritone voice and plays the
guitar with verve and aplomb. Tony is also a humanist,
a great lover of Goa, the place of his birth. I
consider it as my privilege to be counted among his
many admirers and friends. He could have given up on
life after the death of his beautiful wife Marina, who
passed away prematurely and whom he adored so much.
She was the source of his inspiration ? he rightly
acknowledges. But, against heavy odds, Tony showed us
lesser mortals what it takes to overcome. Rising from
the throes of depression, he seems to have gathered
the pieces beneath the rubble of shattered dreams, to
continue to scale to greater and greater heights. Even
to this day Tony gives of his best to all and
everywhere, and is sure to carry on in this way until
the day when the Reaper with the Scythe will come with
a call ? and a beautiful reward too!

Congratulations to Tony and thanks my friend for
continuing to be the source of inspiration that you
have always been to me. A pale shadow of what you are,
I confess that in a small way, I try to emulate the
shining example that you have set before us all.


(Dr. Francisco Colaço, MD.
Largo da Igraja do Espírito Santo,
Margao. Goa. INDIA.)

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