Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frogs, personification of ugliness, Mario?
> You sorely disappoint me.
> I love the things and never hesitate to kiss them
> without harbouring an ulterior motive of 
> hoping/expecting them to metamorphose as a royal boy

> or girl.
> I eat them too, with a relish that easily belie
> aesthetic prejudice.
> And... pray ponder how you will hurt the poor
> Frenchies with your prejudice.
Mario replies:
Alfred, tsk, tsk, tsk!  What's all this kissing of
frogs rather than the fabled Scandivanian beauties
that surround you.  Your love of frogs doesn't seem to
stop you from eating them.  I hope you only eat the
ones that don't turn into princesses.  Perhaps the
kisses make you "hungry" in more ways than one.  

To avoid my post from being rejected by the sharp-eyed
Goanet moderators I will refrain from commenting on
the Frenchies, whom we hard-core Americans don't like
very much right now.

If it makes you feel better I will replace frogs with
camels, hoping there is no Goanetter out there who is
making a habit of kissing this hapless four-legged
creature that was designed by a committee.

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