(Mario Goveia wrote: " If they hadn't been so
self-righteous they would have known that I did not
perpetuate the original hoax, and would have had no
reason to oppose the common-sense suggestion I
continued to make that people should watch where they
sit in a public place, because the fact that the
probability of infection from such needles is "low",
this does not mean the possibility is "no, and the
consequences and lengthy testing are horrendous, even
if it turns out there is no infection." )


To strike an analogy, a few years back there was a
strange rumour that did the rounds in the city of
Panaji of a snake moving around freely in the ?Samrat
Theatre? located in the heart of the city. When a few
friends of mine had planned one fine day that they
would go to watch a certain ?super-duper hit? film of
those times, I casually mentioned to them to be
careful as I had heard from someone that there was a
snake in the theatre. Subsequently, when I met those
friends again, one of them recounted how even though
the movie was very good yet he could not enjoy it
since, being terrified of snakes, the fear of that
snake in the theatre had constantly been lurking in
his mind.   

I immediately realized my folly. Without ascertaining
whether the story I had heard was true or false, I had
inadvertently played my part in spreading it. And even
though my intentions at that time might have been good
and honest-- that they should all beware of the snake
which, through someone reliable I had heard, was
moving around freely in the theatre--I had
unintentionally created a fear in their minds. By
spreading a rumour, which I was to find later on was
entirely untrue, I had played my role in causing an
unnecessary alarm and panic.  

On a similar note Mario, by sending an
?unconfirmed-warning? to thousands on this group, you
inadvertently created a ?boogeyman? for others to be
scared of.  You may have innocently posted the story
of the ?Aids-infected needles? on this forum,
sincerely believing in its authenticity, but
admittedly this story was false. This is what urban
legends are all about: stories that sound good but
have no basis in fact. They are rumors that keep
getting passed on to others by innocent readers who
sincerely believe in their authenticity, but which
happen to be mere fabrications, distortions and/ or
Your ?common-sense suggestion? had its roots in an
urban legend that was inherently deceptive and false.
That urban legend did not intend to create awareness
on this ?so called? important issue. Far from it, the
only purpose that particular story was serving was to
cause an alarm in the society and create a panic and a
kind of phobia. 

We need to ask ourselves: do we intend to spread
rumours, hoaxes and legends or do we intend to spread
the truth? Urban legends can not only frighten and
alarm us, but can also confirm to our fears,
prejudices and superstitions.  Let us therefore choose
to be the ?stewards of truth? rather than be seen as
supporters of ?widely- dispersed misinformations?. We
all need to be a part of an important goal of getting
as close to the truth as we can. We must refrain from
legitimizing the credibility of events which are
highly exaggerated, distorted and fabricated. We must
stop believing in improbable stories without thinking
and must cease to forward copies of such stories to

By pointing out that your story was false, George and
Santosh did nothing wrong. Rather, by pointing out
that the probability of being infected was low,
Santosh tried to neutralize the damage that you may
inadvertently have caused and the alarm/ panic that
you may inadvertently have created. The next time we
go to the theatres, we will not have a constant fear
lurking in our minds of being contaminated with
?Aids-infected needles?.  

Remember Mario, inaccurate information--whether
intentionally or accidentally put in our paths?can
tend to have dangerous repercussions. We do not need
to create any more phobias in the society. If we do
not know what is accurate; we are bound to magnify the
problems. Let us therefore refrain from condemning
individuals like George or Santosh who are doing a
great service to this forum by constantly being the
?guardians of truth?. 

Sandeep Heble

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