Alfred de Tavares wrote to Cynthia Fernandes

"Thank you, my dear child! Thank you and God, the Father of us all, bless
And I, shower an earthly father's unstinted blessings upon you!
With fathers, like Gabe and I, and a brother like young Cecil what need have
five score and more MAAAsters, mad or sane?
Pappa Alfred...


Dear Pappa Alfred,

1) How come you and Gabe qualify as fathers and I am relegated to a brotherly status?
2) Given a choice I would rather be Cynthia's headmaster.

Cynthia, write on the board 1000 times,
"I will not forward hoaxes, however inspirational"
"I will not forward hoaxes, however inspirational"
"I will not forward hoaxes, however inspirational"
"I will not forward hoaxes, however inspirational"



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