Cecil my dear,

Kindly check out the authenticity of what you write, especially when you are
talking of Moira.

You must first try to differentiate what is a major road and what is a main

For your kind info back breaking speed breakers and rumblers are in
existence on National Highways . Your theory, if acceptable,  should be
tried out on N. Highways.

Most of you Aldonkar have forgotten that the  Moira people are Mad. Take
note specially while you guy throw your, unwanted by Moidekars, house hold
garbage, nicely  packed in plastic bags adorning the conspicuous road
stretches of Moira,  lest the same be sprinkled into your nice and expensive
cars and your heads as well. This should ring a WARNING BELL. Ignore it at
your own risk!!!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Cecil Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <goanet@goanet.org>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 10:14 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Moira road logic

> Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:
> 1. There is no demarcation of which is a major road
> and which is a minor road, with the result that
> traffic from a minor road cutting into a major road
> often does not "stop and look" to verify that there is
> no traffic coming along the other road;
> ----
> Dear Gabriel,
> Next time you are down in Goa please drive from Mapusa to Aldona. At three
> places (Moira-Moira-Nachinola) there have been sets of two speed-breakers
> installed that mar an otherwise pleasant drive on a wide hot-mixed road.
> These speed-breakers are at places where a minor road intersects a major
> road. Common sense tells us that the speed-breakers should have been
> on the major roads and not the main road.
> But we are dealing with Moira and Nachinola
> What more need one say?
> Cheers!
> Cecil
> ===

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