Congratulations - Philip  --  your letter to Sucheta is very clear and to the 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:17 PM

| Ms Sucheta Dalal
| Reputed Business Columnist
| Dear Ms Dalal:
| I enjoyed your column in INDIAN EXPRESS, June 19, 2005, titled "Wither 
| Airports?". You were right to highlight the fact that our aviation 
| authorities are unprepared for the monumental challenge of making our 
| airports uptodate, including A380-ready. This commendable stance is, 
| however, in stark contrast to an earlier report by others in the same paper 
| (on May 27) which blithely recommended that Goa go in for an A380 airport at 
| a greenfield site (Mopa in Goa) by 2014! Although this report made no 
| ripples at all, at least that I know of, it may still do incalculable harm 
| to Goa's already distorted aviation scene by further skewing the badly 
| needed efforts to improve it. In fact a careful look at the vexed problem of 
| Goa's aviation scenario may shed useful light on the overall national 
| problem of urgently updating our airport infrastructure that you have 
| rightly called for in your June 19 column.
| Great Wall of Goa
| What the May 27 report failed to disclose was that Goa's sole airport, 
| Dabolim in the south, is controlled since the early 1960s by the Navy which 
| places unrealistic restrictions on a tourism oriented facility in the name 
| of interminably training a couple of squadrons of pilots for carrier based 
| fighter operation using obsolescent and tricky Sea Harriers.
| As you may be aware, the Navy has recently commissioned a mammoth base 
| called Project Seabird at Karwar about 100 km south of Goa in Karnataka. The 
| ostensible purpose of this project is to decongest Mumbai harbour. However 
| there is no commensurate will to decongest Dabolim airport for civilian 
| flight purposes i.e. by shifting military flight training etc to Seabird or 
| even other places. The air station there is still only on paper, awaiting 
| financial and other high level clearances. It could become a reality in the 
| next phase of the project. Its another matter that the Karwar terrain is not 
| all that suitable for any airflield which is much more than of  minimal  
| proportions.
| In the mean time, Dabolim has been "booked" for training pilots of MIG29Ks 
| which have recently been acquired along with an old Russian aircraft 
| carrier. These carrier based fighters are said to be the first to be ordered 
| by any Navy in the world. So the prospect of the Navy easing up on civilian 
| flight restrictions at Dabolim in the foreseeable future are quite dim. 
| That's why I call the military presence at Dabolim airport the Great Wall of 
| Goa! The only way out may be to push for joint military/civilian management 
| which is not unheard of abroad in places like the U.S.  But where will the 
| push for this come from? More on this later.
| Mopa
| For the past couple of years, a proposal has been doing the rounds for a 
| greenfield airport at Mopa in North Goa. There is natural resistance to this 
| for several reasons. First, it is feared that once Mopa is ready then 
| civilian flghts at Dabolim will have to cease. There are several precedents 
| for this. This happened at the Navy air station in Kochi when the 
| public/private greenfield airport called CIAL came up nearby a few years 
| ago. The same thing is due to occur at HAL controlled Bangalore airport when 
| the new BIAL comes up in 2-3 years time.
| A discontinuation of civilian flights like this would always be a boon for 
| the military which would naturally prefer a free run at its bases. It is 
| another matter whether the Navy, whose essential armament is carrier based 
| aircraft, really needs an airport with a mammoth 11,000 foot runway which is 
| fit for jumbo jets (including perhaps the A380 after a suitable upgrade of 
| the type you described). Thus Dabolim at present, you will appreciate, is a 
| purely dog-in-the-manger situation.
| On the other hand, Mopa would cut into the business of South Goa hotels 
| which depend heavily on international chartered and scheduled domestic 
| flights at close-in Dabolim. There is also a strong hunch in Goa that Mopa 
| would only give a much needed boost to emerging competitor resorts in 
| southern Maharashtra. In fact the INDIAN EXPRESS article of May 27 
| graphically shows links to offbeat places like Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, 
| Sindhudurg etc from Mopa, while ostensibly emphasising an aircraft 
| (A380)which is meant for hub-to-hub international travel.
| Low Cost Aviation
| Now that India has finally caught the low cost aviation bug there may be 
| some hope for beleaguered civil aviation at Dabolim. It is beginning to be 
| realised that there is a need for more functioning airports including 
| multiple facilities for big cities. (Note that Goa can be usefully viewed as 
| a "city state"). In Mumbai the AAI is bitterly regretting having parted with 
| Juhu airport to the BMC thirty years ago for road building purposes. There 
| is talk of reopening Bangalore and Hyderabad airports even when BIAL and 
| HIAL are operational. Even the Kochi naval airport is  being eyed again for 
| civilian use! But all this may be wishful thinking now.
| At Pune, however, industry bigwigs have succeeded in getting the IAF to 
| substantially increase the watch hours (by 40% from 10 hours to 14 hours per 
| day) at Lohegaon airport. In stark contrast to the Navy at Dabolim, the Air 
| Chief has even made reassuring comments about sharing "national assets" like 
| airports. But at Pune the real test will come when the new Chakan airport is 
| promoted in a few years time. In any event, the urgent need for effective 
| joint use and management of military air bases is clearly underlined in the 
| present vexatious scenario.
| Persistent Blindspot
| In view of the foregong, it is odd that in the face of the severe 
| bottlenecks we are reportedly facing at our airports there is this 
| persistent blindspot about the fundamental source of problems there viz the 
| military controls which apparently account for a substantial part of the 
| constraints faced. As many as 25 airports have such constraints. In addition 
| air space restrictions by the military such as at Delhi create their own 
| problems for aircraft movements. All these may well be the result of "holy 
| cow" treatment of military matters by the civilian authoriities all along.
| Without enlightened review and response to civilian imperatives proactively 
| by the military itself (except where it suits its own purposes) the only 
| options for Indian aviation are either to burn precious fuel while waiting 
| for slots to open up or keep capital assets idle on the ground or go in for 
| costly and time consuming greenfield airport projects with their attendant 
| risks of humungous land scams. All this only militates against the diffusion 
| of low cost aviation which is the need of the hour in a big and populous 
| country like India with low but now rapidly growing purchasing power.
| The Policy Imperative
| There clearly seems to be an urgent need for a high level review of the 
| military controls in important airports like Goa and the expeditious 
| dismantling of flight restrictions on civilian flights subject of course to 
| the usual needs for sensible security safeguards) and the establishment of 
| procedures for effective joint use and management.
| If such a review is conducted and implemened then perhaps Seabird will get 
| expedited, the Navy will cut back at Dabolim, Mopa can come up (not as a pie 
| in the sky A380 airport but something more practical and prompt). And the 
| Goan economy and society would benefit immeasurably -- as would the larger 
| Indian scene as a whole. Any assist you may be able to render to this 
| worthwhile cause in your privileged position of influencing public opinion 
| would be much apprecated. If you need any additional information please let 
| me know.
| I am marking a cc to where there is a measure of interest in this 
| vexed issue and a discussion has been going on about it for some time now.
| Regards,
| Phil Thomas
| Goa
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