Picnicked at a nice beach park last sunday around a
large table topped with  pulao and sorpotel and Indian
treats and feni. There were guitars and old songs and
a even a  few games.  They also elected a new
Committee for the year: Peter D'Souza D.Phil. was
proposed for President by Ramesh Mehta and Michelle
Higgins, and was duly elected, unopposed. Peter's
wife, Loretta will continue treating us to Bandra
East- Indian vindaloo, and Michelle will sing cousin
Tony Brent's songs. Paul Coutto will keep an eye on
funds, and keep up supplies of free bebidas - Goan and
Scottish.  Tillie Udipi will stay on as legal advisor,
and Nonna Pantaky is permanent catering consultant.
Cabby and Molly will enforce.
   For those who remember, Peter's dad supplied three
generations of music makers with sheet music at his
Marine Lines store. He was hockey captain, St Xaviers
School class of '62, and remembers Hillary, George
Waites, Luis Ramos - all Toronto, Dinky Fialho - IAF,
the late Captain  Clement Coutto, Steve Pinto, and
Brige Vora - IAS, who sadly passed away in Delhi last
week.                            eric.

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